Lapband Removal to RNY

Coming from a personal standpoint and not medical in any way, I'd wait to heal first. Also I'd check into the gastric sleeve, it's less drastic and it's restrictive also like the lapband was but you don't have to deal with fills. I know someone personally that has lost weight with this and is very happy. After reading the the complications of the RnY, I'd try something else that isn't as severe. Also the gastric sleeve is the first step of the DS which you can have later if you don't lose all the weight you need too, assuming you are extremely obese. I hope you feel better soon!

I had my adjustable band placed May 2003, in 2005 my band slipped into my hiatal hernia and I had to have it removed. I had the bypass done at the same time. I am thrilled I did it all at once! I would prefer to get it all done at once. Just my option. I healed quickly from it all. I did have a open surgery. That was the hardest part.
Hey! I had the same problem with the band. I had a slip fixed and still had problems with relfux. I had the band taken out and rny done at the same time. It is so much better than the band for me! I wish I would have just did it in the first place. Only advice is to find a doctor experienced in revision. Good luck and message me if you have any questions.
Tonia Loveslife!
-115 lbs!
I had the Lap-Band to RNY revision done in May 2006. I got it done all at the same time and am very glad I did. The last thing I would have wanted would have been to go through yet another operation and have to be opened up AGAIN. I am so happy I did it. It was the best decision I ever made. I have lost 131 lbs and couldn't be happier. I won't lie it was painful but when I go back and read my story it shocks me how I could forget so quickly. I would do it again 100 times in a heart beat.
Hi. I am due to have my band removed on 4/11. I will then have the RNY done approx. 2 months thereafter. I think I prefer that method cos revision is considered more dangerous than regular wls, so i figure giving your organs an oppty. to heal from the trauma of surgery is probably the best way to go. There are times of course, when i consider having it all at one time, instead of delaying rny, but safety first, I say. I have a 6 yr. old to raise, and i want to take as few chances as possible.