RNY to DS due to hypoglycemia
I have had my RNY in June 03 and lost about 90 #. I then stopping losing weight, actually put about 15# back on and developed hypoglycemia. My blood sugar has dropped as low as 24. I have passed out on 2 ocassions. I am always hungry. I have seen an endocronologist and he performed all kinds of tests and came to conclusion that my eating habits were good, but the food leaves my system so fast that it causing the hyper-hypoglycemia as he calls it. He feels that I need to have the RNY reversed. If I do that, I for sure will be right back to my original weight of 265#. ( I am 5' tall). My surgeon who performed my RNY has been undecided on what is the way to go. This has been going on for over 1 year now. I have seen the dietician and she agree's that my eating habits are definately not the problem. I almost feel like I am getting the runaround from my Dr. (surgeon). The last time I saw him which was about a month ago, he said that maybe the DS would be the way to go. I see him at the end of September. Has anyone had my same problem, and any advice would be wonderful.
Hello MJ
I have also had problems with hypoglycemia since I had my r n y. I am also trying to figure out what needs to be done to help my problem. Therefore, if you find out any information could you please keep me informed. About eight months out ,I had noticed that I would go into bouts of sweating, confusion, and extreme hunger. I would always eat and soon after the symptoms would pass. I found out I was hypoglyemia because I was giving blood one day and I had eaten a meal about forty five minutes before my appointment and I gave blood. The nurse called me on the phone and told me that my blood sugar was 24 and I needed to probably go to the E.R.
I have the same problem, except that I've lost all of my weight and have gained nothing back. I don't get extremely hungry. When I do eat, about 2-4 hours later my blood sugar drops. I am also extremely fatigued and tired all of the time which my surgeon tells me is from my blood sugar fluctuating so much. I will eat and it jumps sky high, then after a couple of hours, it takes a nose dive. It is very unpredictable because some days I have no problems and some days I have a problem all day. I see the endocrinologist next week, but my surgeon has already said that if she finds nothing wrong with me, he intends to revise my surgery to a different type. I'm not sure which type, but I don't think he is going to let this problem just go on and on.
Thanks for responding. It is interesting to know that I am not the only one with these problems. I also get extremely hungry and fatiqued. When I went through all of the blood testing the Endrocrinologist did tell me that my blood sugars were up and then nose dived down. There are also many days when everything is ok and then the problems just come on. Keep me informed on what your doctor comes up with and I will do the same
Thanks again.
Wow, exactly the same. I monitor mine with a meter. It's like walking a tight rope with my food. I have to eat lots and lots of protein and almost not sugar just to keep it semi level. My blood sugar runs below 100 almost always. On my bad days I will eat something and within 30 minutes my blood sugar sky rockets, then does a nose dive within about an hour or more. It's terrible. At this point, I don't care what they do with me, just as long as they fix me. This is no way to live.
I have hypoglycemia and I am Pre-op. I have learned that having large amounts of protein at my meals helps the hypo. attacks tremendously. If i eat carbs with no protein I am doomed. Even if I eat, say, cream cheese on a bagel or toast...I am doomed.
The protein grams need to outweigh the carbs. I'm having my RNY this Tuesday and I know I'll have to be even more aware of my protein intake
To be honest, I have been reading what many RNYers eat on a day to day basis and It's NOT what I would eat even pre-op!!! It's like 95% carbs! And then they wonder why they are not losing.
My point it this: Try 48 hours with protein drinks and see how you feel I am betting the hypoglycemia is in check.
Keep me posted and best of luck to you!
-Karen, NY Pre-op RNY date 9/12/06

Thanks for letting me know that hypoglycemia ends with the DS. I had my Doctor's appointment today at the University of MN and my Doctor stated that the revision needs to be done. He said that now we need to fight with the insurance company. I have BC/BS and my Doctor said that it is very hard to get BC to approve revisions. I also called BC/BS and they stated that they usually deny and then you have to appeal and show medical necessity. She told me that they are not good about approving revisions of any sort for any reason. Anyone have any experience with how to get the insurance company to approve the revision.
Today I got the word that the insurance campany approved my revision to DS. My surgery is scheduled for November 20. The doctor did tell me that this will be the roughest surgery that I have ever had. I will be so glad to get this over with and hopefully have a end to the "Hyper Hypoglycemia". Anyone out there that had a revision from RNY to DS? I would appreciate hearing from you and anyone else with comments. Thanks so very much! MJ