Anyone need a revision at a year out after RNY??
(deactivated member)
on 8/25/06 7:16 am - Cleveland, OH
on 8/25/06 7:16 am - Cleveland, OH
I'm hoping that maybe I can get some more answers on this forum and relate better than I do to most of the post-ops on the main message board. I had open RNY on 9/7/05 and lost 83 pounds in the first 5 months, but since then NOTHING. Around the time I was 2 and a half months to 3 months out I noticed that my appetite returned with a vengence and it seemed like I was already eating way more than a lot of post ops a year out or more! For the record, I never drink with my meals and I do eat pretty healthy, however my problem seems to be that I graze all day because I never seem to feel full
I'm scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow and having an upper GI next week to see if they can determine whether I have a staple line rupture of if the opening of my stoma is too large, but does this happen often to someone at not even a year out?? I feel like I'm the worlds biggest failure and I'm terrified that even if they determine that my surgery has failed, my insurance company will never cover a revision, and I could never afford to pay out of pocket so looks like I'm doomed to be morbidly obese forever........sorry for the whining, I just feel so lost right now.

Would your insurance cover it if there was fault with the original surgery? That way it isn't a revision due to failure, but surgical fault. Maybe you can get your surgeon and your PCP to write letters of support to send to your insurance.
Open RNY 1/24/02 First Post-op Baby: Roman Michael 3/29/06
TT w/ Hernia Repair 7/03 Second Post-op Baby: Aurora Marie 1/15/08
LapBand on Pouch 11/06 Breast Reduction/Thigh Lipo/Brachioplasty 6/08
I had RNY in march of 2005 and became pregnant at 6 weeks post op and due to complications with the pregnancy (eating and throwing up) I stretched my pouch and need to have a revision. I had an endoscopic evaluation and my pouch has stretched but my opening is normal. So I will just have to have my pouch size reduced. I am scheduled for revision on sept. 11.
I swear I could have written this. I am so embarressed that I have only lost 52 pounds. I had a revision from the lap band to the RNY the 15th of Nov. I had a scoping done due to throwing up and they stretched me. He rechecked me in Jan and restretched me again. I think he ruined me! I have not lost weight since then. It breaks my heart that I will never see under 200 pounds. Not sure where to go from here or how to even fix it. I am calling and making an appointment with the surgeon I am now seeing.