new chili recipe
Will post this on the recipe board as well.
This is a knockoff of "Our Favorite Fast Food Restaraunt that does not serve pintoes and cheese"'s Chili:
1 lb lean ground beef
1 lb ground turkey
1 medium onion, diced
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 4oz can green chilies
1 29 oz can tomato sauce
2 15 oz can kidney beans, with juice
2 15oz can pinto beans, with juice
2 tsp cumin
1 1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp salt
2 tsp chili powder
2 cups water
1. brown turkey and beef in large sauce pot and break into small pea size pieces. ( I also added the onion at this point to get the flavor of onion all through the meat.)
2. add all other ingredients and cook for 2 - 3 hours stirring every 15 mins or so.
3. Enjoy!!
Nutritional value:
per 8 ounce serving
220 calories
6 g fat
1 sat fat
90 mg sodium
17 g protein
(these are from the website nutritional guide. I will try to figure out what the real values are later.)
It tastes like the real thing and you can add onions and chees to it just like you do at our favorite drive thru!
thought I would share.