i Love this yogurt discovery..from a yogurt hater
Made a great discovery yesterday!!! Im not fond of any yogurt, let alone greek, but i figured it was good for me, so I started to experiment...and discovered something new! (at least for me)
I took 1/2 cup greek yogurt, and added a squirt of that liquid flavoring (in this case, orange/tangerine) that you use for your water bottles...miso or something like that. I mixed it around, and then added splenda to taste. OMG, i never thought yogurt could taste so good!!! you'd love it.
Lol...I discovered this a few years ago myself! Only, I just use a few squirts of the flavoring and nothing else. My favorite was making the Greek yoghurt taste like an orange dream sickle ? I've also added pumpkin seeds which really was yummy to me. Also , I freeze pomegranate seeds and if you add a teaspoon of those to your flavored yogurt ...Omgggg fabulous!!! ?
Make your own Greek Yogurt
you will need:
crock pot
Any plain small container of yogurt with LIVE ACTIVE CULTURES (very important this is your starter to make yogurt)
1 gallon of milk (not skimmed or no fat) Whole or 2% or 1%
powdered milk (optional I add this because I like my yogurt thick!)
thermometer (I use a meat thermometer)
coffee filters
6 or 8 oz. small containers ( enough to hold 2 1/2 quarts of yogurt)
I yield 2 1/2 quarts of yogurt from one gallon of milk.
use for smoothies, in stead of mayo or sour cream or eat plain with a little vanilla extract.
Store bought Greek yogurt is so expensive. i found out how to make Greek yogurt at home in my crock pot! I use a gallon of milk (any type but skimmed). I pour the whole gallon in the crock pot and turn the pot on to high. after 2 1/2 hours I use my meat thermometer to test the milk temp. 180 degrees is what you want. Turn off crock pot and unplug it. Let milk temp reduce to 110 degrees ( check milk temp. at two hours). Now add in 1/2 cup of your plain yogurt with live active cultures and 1 cup of powdered milk( optional). mix with whisk. replace crock pot lid. Wrap crock pot with a blanket and leave for at the least 8 to 12 hour( i leave mine overnight). The next step is to get your colander and line it with coffee filters. spoon yogurt into colander and place colander in a bowl(make sure colander sits up high in bowl so the yogurt whey can drain. after 3 hours remove from frig and spoon into small 6-8 oz containers. store in frig and eat at your leisure. flavor with what ever you like. I add 3 equal packets to mine.
I got this recipe off of You Tube. It's delicious and preservative free!