ideas for full liquid stage/pureed stage
hi i'm just shy of three weeks out of surgery, have lost 40 lbs and they have advanced me to the full liquid stage of the diet. does anyone have a "Orange Julius" type recipe to share? i have to have sugar free everything and my intake for the day has to be under 600 cal. i really love orange julius' and could go for one right now! thanks for any and all suggestions! tara

I just got this one off another post - sounded yummy.
Orange Julius Ain't Got Nothing On Us Smoothie
2 Scoops ProScore 100 vanilla
6 oz water
1 T sugar free vanilla pudding mix
1/4 c real orange juice (preferably hand squeezed with pulp, or from store with pulp)
1 t good vanilla flavoring
3-4 ice cubes
Blend all ingredients except ice cubes. Cold water will cause pudding mix to thicken. Add ice cubes and blend till ice slivers. Pour into tall glass and use straw to sip, dainty, a little at a time, really taste it. Don't guzzle (grin)