help i am always hungry
hello everyone i am going nuts i am always feeling hungry and it feels like i didn't even get surgery done i cheated the other day and ate me 1 french fry and a bite of a blt sandwich i am always thinking about food. is anyone else also going through this i really need help.and also i don't exactly know what to eat.what does it mean when it says u r now ready for reall food?what is real food?can i eat rice,pasta,or if i go out with family and friends can i also enjoy what they are eating as well.
sorry everyone for my concerns everyone else have there own little situation but if someone can help or at least give me some tips i will really appreciate that.
thanks and have a bless one
Wow, I know what you mean about being hungery and wanting to eat all the time. I was that way before I had the surgery and I am still that way now except I am not able to eat as much as I did in the past. I had a different surgery then you did but I still have a hard time with rice and pasta and carbs. I can eat small amounts of pasta, but rice doesn't usually bother me at all. I just hate wasting the space where I could put protein in instead. I found that boiled or steamed shrimp goes down the best for me.. I just had a lb. from Wally World, and I can eat the whole thing it just takes me a while to get it done, about 1 hour.
I go to therapy a couple of times a month to help me with dealing with the new me, I was sure I never used food as a comfort but now I'm not so sure. I have been feeling hungery alot and eating more then I should. I am still losing but very slow. Which is fine with me too, I have to keep up my nuturistion up because of the cancer, I will stay a little heavier as long as that don't come back. I hope you feel better knowing your not the only one that is hungery, and I wish you all the luck in the world.
a bite of a fry and blt compared to a large fry and a whole blt is much different. Have you called your nutritionist? Protein should be eaten first, it fills you up and lessens cravings). Right after surgery I ate so much shrimp I thought I was going to turn into one! lol Its an excellent source of protein. Some people don't do well with chicken because it can be dry, but try some beef (maybe ground beef with a little tomato sauce?). Eat carbs last they fill you up quick but dont keep you full
hope this helps