L.a Weight loss plan
Hey everyone
I'm posting my L.A weight loss plan if anyone would like to try it out. (smaller people will eat less protein portion sizes) This plan was arranged for when I hit 280 pounds before WLS.
It really was a good plan when I was trying to lose weight. I lost about 25 pounds and then went back to my old eating habits (I was too lazy to stick to it). One thing I can say for sure ,is they have you eating all day. I never was hungry( I'd say to much food required to eat).
If you are 300lbs or more you have to sub the starches for just the bread sticks or 40 calorie bread. No other starches on list can be eaten.
****I will have to cut everything in half since I can't eat the normal portion size of a regular person. Have fun enjoy....Here it goes.....
First three days before plan no carbs of any kind. To cleanse the body. Eat two oranges a day. No other fruit allowed. Eat only meat (not breaded) and vegtables for three days. NO STARCHES AT ALL....After 3 days start program. Restart three day cycle to break plateau or if you cheated.
Daily servings:
2 1/2 Proteins
4 vegtables
4 fruits
4 starhes
2 dairy
1 fat
*1/4 Morton Lite Salt daily (a must salt retains water weight)
*64 oz water daily
Menu 1
Breakfast- 1/2 Protein, 1 fruit, 1 starch, 1 dairy, 1 fat-
Lunch 1 protein, 2 vegtables, 1 fruit, 2 starches-
Mid pm 1 dairy, 1 protein bar
Dinner 1 protein, 2 vegtables,2 fruit,1 starch, 1 protein bar
Menu 2
Breakfast- 1/2 protein 1 fruit, 1starch,1 dairy
Mid am 1 fruit, 1 starch, 1 la lite
Lunch 1 protein, 2 vegtables,1 starch, 1 dairy, 1fat
Mid Pm 1 fruit 1 protein bar or lite snack
Dinner 1 protein, 2 vegtables, 1 fruit, 1 starch
*Break up daily meals into 5-6 mini meals. This will help keep you in control and give you more energy throughout the day.*
*Skipping foods may make you feel sluggish or hungry and slow down weight loss*
*Prepare all foods by steaming, broiling, baking, roasting, or grilling instead of frying.*
* cook with nonfat cooking spray instead of butter, oil, fat ,grease, or margarine.*
*Drink at least 64 oz of water it is essential to weight loss*
All portions are raw weight. Subtract one once when cooking proteins. Meats and poultry should be fresh and trimmed of all skin and fat , boned before weighing and cooking.
****These foods are high in calories, fat and sodium or cholesterol. Use these foods in moderation such as ***two or three times a week.
Arm roast, Chuck roast, club steak, filet mignon, flank steak, ground lean sirloin, round steak, rump roast, sirlion steak, t- bone steak ..............6oz
Dark meat.........6oz
Duck.................5 oz
Eggs.....whole 3 (up to 6 per week)
Liver......beef, calf,chicken........6 oz
Nut butters....3Tbsp
Peanut butter regular 3 Tbsp
***Staches that are allowed only 2-3x per week
Bagel, other....2oz or 1/2
ice cream, non fat, no sugar added 1/2 cup
pasta, regular cooked.........1/3 cup
rice, white cooked .............1/3 cup
Things you can eat (2 1/2 a portion a day)
example : chicken 15oz daily
Buffalo....6 oz
Chicken breast,ground white meat...6 oz
Cottage cheese, 1%............3/4 cup
Egg beaters, plain..............3/4 cup
egg substitute, plain.........3/4 cup
egg whites.......6
Fish/ shellfish
bluefin tuna, carp, catfish, clams (no shell), crab, herring, lox, mackerel, mussels, oysters, roe, salmon, scallops, shark, snapper, swordfish, yellowtail,blue fish, calamari (grilled), cod, flounder,crayfish, grouper,haddock, halibut, king mackerel, lake perch, lobster, mahi mahi, orange roughy, pike, pollock, red snapper, scrod, sea bass, shrimp, sole, striped bass, tilapia, trout, tuna(fresh) walleye, whitefish.........6 oz
lamb, loin....6 oz
Ostrich, lean....6 oz
Pork.. center loin chop, tenderloin....6 oz
Rabbit.... 5 oz
Ricotta cheese part skim ...6 oz
Roast beef, luncheon meat, low fat, low sodium, thin fresh sliced.....8 slices or 4 oz
tuna(canned, drained)....6 oz
Tuna ( in pouch, water packed low sodium or regular)......7 oz
Turkey, luncheon meat, low fat, low sodium, thin fresh sliced......8 slices or 4oz
Veal.. chop, cutlet, rump.......7 oz
vension......6 oz
Vegtables(choose 4 per day)
Fresh or frozen, with no butter or sauce added... avoid canned vegtables
artichokes, fresh, boiled...1/2 cup
Asparagus.......................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
Bean sprouts..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
Bok choy..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
broccoli..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
broccolini..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
brussels sprouts..................4
cabbage, green..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
carrot, baby........................6
cauliflower..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
Celery.........................1 rib
chard..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
cherry tomatoes.................4
collard greens..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
cucumber, medium.....1/4
eggplant..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
endive..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
grape leaves..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
kale..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
lettuce.................. 1 cup
mushrooms..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
mustard greens..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
okra..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
onions, green....................................5 small
onions, any type..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
parsley..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
pepper: green, orange, red, yellow..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
radishes..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
red cabbage..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
rhubarb..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
rutabaga..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
salad, bagged , greens only .........1 cup
snow peas..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
sugar snap peas..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
spinach..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
squash, summer or spaghetti..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
string beans any variety..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
tomato, small 1
turnips..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw3
V8* juice, low sodium....1/2 cup
Waterchestnuts....1/3 cup cooked
zucchini..................1/2 cup cooked, 1 cup raw
Fruit (choose 4 per day) Fresh or frozen
Apple, small...........1
applesause, unsweetened........1/2 cup
apricots, medium...............4
banana, small..........1/2
blackberries............3/4 cup
blueberries............3/4 cup
canned frui****eror juice packed......1/2 cup
cantaloupe, large..............1 cup, cubed
cherries, medium..........15
clementine, medium................1
cranberies................1 cup
figs, medium..................1
grapefruit, medium............1/2 cup
grapes ,green or red 1/2 cup (15)
honey dew.............1 cup cubed
juice, any flavor, not concentrate 100% friut juice............4 oz
kiwi fruit, medium............1
lemon, small ........ 1
lime medium.......1
mango......... 1/2
nectarine, medium........1
orange, small.....1
papaya........3/4 cup cubed
peach, small......1
peach. small......1
pear, medium.......1/2
pineapple, fresh.......3/4 cup cubed
plantains.....1/3 cup
plum, medium........1
prunes, medium......3
raisins.....1 cup
raspberries...1 cup
star fruit, medium....1
strawberries, small.....12
tangerines. small.....1
watermelon.....1 cup cubed
Starches( choose 4 per day)
*starches such as light bread 40 calorie or multigrain english muffin are great low
calorie choices* Foods such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and oatmeal are higher in fiber and may help stay full longer. It is recommended that you eat starches at seperate meals, however, on occasion have your starches at the same time, such as a sandwhich.
bagel lenders, small...1/2
baked potato, small .....1/2
barley, cooked....1/3 cup
bran, unprocessed...1/3 cup
bread light... 1 slice
breadstick, fattorie 7 pandea, whole wheat....2
breadstick, stella D'oro, original.....1
bulgur, cooked.....1/3 cup
Cereal, no sugar or salt listed as first 5 ingredients:
all bran, fiber one, kashi seven whole grains and sesame medley, ka****o good friends, puffed corn, puffed kashi, puffed rice, puffed wheat....3/4 cup
corn, cooked...1/2 cup
couscous, plain cooked....1/2 cup
Kavli Crispy ,thin...2
Kavili Hearty rye....1
Ritz, reduced fat...3
Saltines, fat free....4
Triscuit, reduced fat.....3
Wheat thins reduced fat.....6
Craem of Wheats prepared with water cooked...1/2 cup
english muffin, any variety.....1/2
graham crackers, honey, low fat....1 sheet
matzo....1 board
melba toast, round, plain....6 slices
melba toast square, plain....3 slices
naan..... 1 small
oat bran,prepared with water cooked....1/2 cup
oatmeal, plain prepared with water cooked....1/2 cup
pasta , whole wheat or spinach, cooked....1/2 cup
peas, frozen cooked....1/2 cup
pita, whole wheat 4 inch....1
pretzel, hard unsalted, fat free....1
rice, brown, cooked ...1/3 cup
rice cake, any flavor....1
sweet potato, small.....1/2
tortilla 6 inch.....1/2
waffle, low fat......1
winter or acorn squash, cooked.....1/2 cup
Dairy( choose two per day)
Part- skim, light or reduced fat, lower sodium....2 oz
String cheese, reduced fat or light....2
Milk: lactaid, fat free, skim, skim plus, soy, plain, nonfat or low fat, fortified with calcium and vitamin D....8 oz
yogurt: light artificially sweetened, any flavor, nonfat....8 oz
plain nonfat....8 oz
Almonds, unsalted....7
Avocado, medium....1/8
cream cheese, regular...1Tbsp
faxseeds, ground...1Tbsp
margarine diet....1Tbsp
mayonnaise, low fat or light....1Tbsp
nuts, other unsalted.....10
Oil: canola, flaxseed, grapeseed, safflower, soybean, sunflower, olive....1tsp
olives, black.....9
peanuts unsalted......10
Pistachios, unsalted.....10
seeds any variety, unsalted....1Tbsp
Tahini...2 tbsp
Tofu cream cheese.....1Tbsp
tofu mayonnaise...2 Tsp
Condiments (up to 3 per day)
barbeque sauce....1Tbsp
chocolate syrup light, 1Tbsp
****tail sauce...Tbsp
Coffee Mate liquid creamer...any flavor fat free 1 tsp
coffee mate powdered creamer any flavor fat free...1 tsp
cool whip, fat free 1Tbsp
cream cheese, fat free...Tbsp
Flavor extracts...1 Tbsp
Gelatin ,sugar free...1/2 cup
goya adobo light.....1/4 tsp
half &half, fat free.....1Tbsp
hot sauce...1tsp
I cant believe its not butter 5 sprays
japlapeno peppers, chopped....1/4 cup
Jam. sugar free...1 Tbsp
ketchup....1 Tbsp
maple syrup, sugar free....1 Tbsp
Salad dressing: fat free, any varieyt less than 175 mg sodium per tablespoon....1TBSP
Sour cream fat free or light....1TBSp
Soy sauce low sodium....1 Tbsp
Sugar regular or brown..... 1 tsp
Teriyaki sauce low sodium....1tbsp
*in addition to 3 condiments per day you may use
Artificial sweetner...up to 3 packets per day
Sugarless candy.....up to 3 pieces per day
sugarless gum....up to 3 pieces per day
Alcohol** (up to 3times oer week)
Beer ,light....12oz=1 starch
beer regular....12oz=1 starch, 1 fruit
champagne....3 oz= 1 fruit
liquor, hard....1 oz=1 starch
wine, red or white....3oz= 1 fruit
crystal light... up to 24 oz daily
coffee, decaffeinated.... unlimited
coffee, regular... up to 2 cups daily
snapple diet........up to 24 oz daily
no sodas but... diet up to 24 oz daily
tea, decaffeinated, herbal..unlimited
tea regular, up to 2 cups daily
water, calorie free naturally flavored...up to 24 oz daily
**be sure to count as part of daily servings
Sample Meals
Bagel with cream cheese
yogurt, plain nonfat 8oz
hard boiled egg..1
mid am
proetin bar or snack
tangerine ...1 small
soup fat free
saltines ..8
light swiss cheese 2 oz
mustard 1 tsp
apple 1 small
Mid pm
protein bar or snack
fresh pineapple 3/4 cup
rice cake..1
grilled chicken breast 8 oz
steamed broccoli 1 cup
baked potato 1/2 small
butter 1 tsp
water 64 oz
morton lite salt 1/4 tsp
People on the go Fast food
Burger King:
Bk Veggie burger with reduced fat mayo 1/2 protein, 2 starches 1 fat
chili 1/2 protein, 2 starches
fire grilled chicken shrimp casear salad no garlic parmesan toast 1 protein, 2 vegtables
hamburger 1 protein, 2 starches
original whopper junior sandwhich, no mayo 1 protein, 1 vegtable, 2 straches
savory mustard fire grilled chicken baguette 1 protien 2 vegtables 2 starches
side salad 1 vegetables
Bagel, plain1/2
egg mcmuffin 1 protein, 2 staches, 1 fat
english muffin with margarine 1 protein , 2 starches, 1fat
fruit and walnut salad, no walnuts 2 fruits, 1 starch
grilled chicken bacon ranch salad, no bacon 1 protein 2 vegtables
grilled chicken caesar salad 1 protein 2 vegtables
grilled chicken california cobb salad, no bacon 1 protein, 2 vegtables
hamburger 1/2 protein, 2 starches
mcgrille chicken classic no mayo 1 protein, 2 starches, 1 fat
side salad 1 vegtable
vanilla reduced fat free ice dream cone 2 starches
Pizza Hut
Fit and Delicious Pizza 1 slice medor large pie avy stly 1/2 protein, 1 starch
Lite menu Choices with bread(6" hearty italian, italian, parmesan, oregano, wheat, or tortilla wrap)
roast Beef 1 protein 1 vegtble, 2 staches
roast chicken breast fillet 1 protein, 1 vegtable, 2 starches
turkey breast 1 protein, 1 vegtable 2 starches
veggie delight 2 vegtables 2 starches
Junior deli style sandwhich
roast beef 1/2 protein, 1 vegtable 2 starches
turkey breast 1/2 protein 1 vegtable 2 starches
garden fresh 2 vegtables
grilled chicken strips salad 1 protein 2 vegtables
grilled chicken and baby spinach 1 protein 1 vegtable
roast turkey or roast beef salad 1/2 protein 2 vegtables
veggie delight 2 vegtables
other condiments 1 fat
Taco Bell
gordita baja beef order fresco style 1/2 protein 2 starches
gordita baja chicken order fresco style 1/2 protein 2 starches
taco hard shell beef order fresco style 1/2 protein 1 starch
taco soft beef order fresco style1/2 protein 1 starch
taco soft chicken soft shell fresco style 1/2 protein 2 starches
tostada order frecso style 1/2 protein, 2starches
baked potato plain 1/2 2 starches
chili 8 oz 1/2 protein 2 starches
classic chicken sandwhich 1 protein 2 starches
junior hamburger 1/2 protein 2 starches1
mandarin chicken salad no noodles 1 protein 1 vegtables 1 fruit
side salad 2 vegtables
spinach chicken salad no bacon 1 protein 3 vegtables
spring mix salad no pecans or cheese 3 vegtables
Email me if you need more resturants I do have more and also frozen foods lists
I hope this will help someone....