Hungry for cake...
I am so hungry for cake but don't eat sugar so i don't eat regular cake at all but lately I have been craving some sort of cake. Does anyone have or know of something that will take care of this craving? Even if it's something to make just one serving I could content myself with that. Anybody have any ideas or recipies? Thanks in advance....Susie

Try this recipe.........awesome!!! They are gooey in the middle and very chocolatey!
You don't have to use the chocolate from her site - just use 5 of the 1 ounce squares of bittersweet baking chocolate or Trader Joes has a wonderful dark chocolate bar or even Hershey's makes on, it's hard to find, though.
Linda -208
I don't know how strict your diet is for carbs etc. but Tastycake makes a sugar free snack cake called Sensables (not sure on spelling) and sometimes you can get them individually wrapped at grocery stores or convenience stores if you don't want to buy a whole box. I've seen chocolate chip and brownie flavors. I don't eat cake either, but for my daughter's birthday I had one of these so I didn't crave the cake. It did the trick and one was all I wanted.