Pain when eating
Hello I am hoping for some help. I have a port leak and will have it replaced and relocated at the end of the month. I was refilled the other day and unfortunately overfilled and was bubbling for the last 24 hours. Very uncomfortable and I was dehydrating. Dr removes some fill and it got better. However I still have to take really small sips and even thin smooth food seems hard to go down and still hurts. Causes me to hic-up a lot very scared something else is wrong and fearful to call Dr I feel like such a pest. Could I just be very irritated from the overfill. Has this happened to anyone else. Thanks for anyone's help.
I doubt your dr would think you are a pest. If you are unable to eat and keep properly hydrated you need to tell your dr again and again until he listens. I can't say as to if there is something else wrong. I would definitely call the dr today since its friday and you don't want to go through the weekend with pain.
God Bless and I hope you feel better soon!
God Bless and I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for your support. I ended up in the emergency room and was then admitted. They removed all the fluid from my band. Did an x-ray and CT scan. It looks like I dodged a bullet. My band is in its correct position and the is no slippage. It is believed that I got over filled and that caused lots of swelling. I'm on phase 1 diet right now and will be ad advanced soon to phase 2. I feel a lot better now and with some more rest the swelling should go down more. Thanks everyone.