opinions on the realize band
I had the realize band 5/6/11. It works for me and I love it. My husband who has been struggling with type 2 diabetes for 10 years and can't get his weight under control would not even consider getting this surgery......untill he saw it work for me! He is getting his surgery on july 5. I am so excited for him! 
My question is, why are there some people here (OH) so against the bands?
One person called it crap and said it should be taken off the market. I was shocked to hear that.
What are some of your opinions on this?

My question is, why are there some people here (OH) so against the bands?

What are some of your opinions on this?
I got my Realize band 5/28/10 and have done as well as I expected. My type 2 diabetes is managed without meds and all of my co-morbidities are improved with 71 lbs lost. Unfortunately about 11 months ago, I started having symptoms that I thought were unrelated to my band. Pain in the middle of the night that would start in my abdomen above my belly button, but below my stomach, radiating to my back, neck, jaw and even my teeth. It didn't happen often, but enough to cause me some concern. I went to my PCP and he sent me to my band doctor, but everything appeared to be fine at that point.
A couple of months later, in Sept '11 I began having right upper quadrant pain and a lot of burping, stuck episodes, etc. Went back to the band doc and had an abdominal ultrasound and esophogram. The ultrasound was positive for gallstones, the esophogram showed the band in the proper place, no obstructions, but a slower than normal, but still not a cause for concern, emptying of the esophagus. I had my gall bladder out mid October and expected my symptoms to resolve. In November, 3 weeks after surgery, my FIL passed away and we had to go to California, where we stayed (except for a week here and there****il mid-April dealing with the estate. My symptoms returned and I started having the pain awake, asleep, etc and they became more frequent and severe. I also started having palpitations, reflux and a lot of stuck episodes. I would go for days at a time with jus****er and some soup. Eating became something I dreaded. Since I couldn't eat veggies or salad, I was constantly constipated and miserable in general.
As soon as I returned home, I went to my PCP again who sent me to a Cardiologist. I had a slew of tests, including a stress Echocardiogram, which was negative. My heart is actually very healthy for my age, 62 and my weight history. I did have very high blood pressure, which is currently managed with additional meds. The Cardiologist sent me back to the bariatric surgeon, I had an esophogram, which showed my stoma to be narrowed to the extent that just a trickle of barium was going through. I swallowed an imaging pill that should have passed through easily, and it just sat on top of my stoma. I only had 3.5 cc in an 11 cc band, so I wasn't overfilled. I either have scar tissue that has formed under my band, creating its own band, or the stomach had a wrinkle inside the band, obstructing the stoma. Since I continue to have the same symptoms (slightly improved) and have restriction, I am guessing it is scar tissue. I go back to the doctor July 17 for another esophogram to determine the next steps...don't think I am ever going to be refilled.
Think long and hard about how to manage your husband's obesity. Surgery of any kind has risks. Investigate thouroughly before you make a decision and make sure his surgeon is very experienced in the procedure he chooses.
I appreciate the weight loss I have experienced with my band and don't regret it at all. Not sure today if I would make a different choice, since I am a medicare patient and medicare doesn't yet cover the VSG, which is probably what I would choose.
Good luck!
A couple of months later, in Sept '11 I began having right upper quadrant pain and a lot of burping, stuck episodes, etc. Went back to the band doc and had an abdominal ultrasound and esophogram. The ultrasound was positive for gallstones, the esophogram showed the band in the proper place, no obstructions, but a slower than normal, but still not a cause for concern, emptying of the esophagus. I had my gall bladder out mid October and expected my symptoms to resolve. In November, 3 weeks after surgery, my FIL passed away and we had to go to California, where we stayed (except for a week here and there****il mid-April dealing with the estate. My symptoms returned and I started having the pain awake, asleep, etc and they became more frequent and severe. I also started having palpitations, reflux and a lot of stuck episodes. I would go for days at a time with jus****er and some soup. Eating became something I dreaded. Since I couldn't eat veggies or salad, I was constantly constipated and miserable in general.
As soon as I returned home, I went to my PCP again who sent me to a Cardiologist. I had a slew of tests, including a stress Echocardiogram, which was negative. My heart is actually very healthy for my age, 62 and my weight history. I did have very high blood pressure, which is currently managed with additional meds. The Cardiologist sent me back to the bariatric surgeon, I had an esophogram, which showed my stoma to be narrowed to the extent that just a trickle of barium was going through. I swallowed an imaging pill that should have passed through easily, and it just sat on top of my stoma. I only had 3.5 cc in an 11 cc band, so I wasn't overfilled. I either have scar tissue that has formed under my band, creating its own band, or the stomach had a wrinkle inside the band, obstructing the stoma. Since I continue to have the same symptoms (slightly improved) and have restriction, I am guessing it is scar tissue. I go back to the doctor July 17 for another esophogram to determine the next steps...don't think I am ever going to be refilled.
Think long and hard about how to manage your husband's obesity. Surgery of any kind has risks. Investigate thouroughly before you make a decision and make sure his surgeon is very experienced in the procedure he chooses.
I appreciate the weight loss I have experienced with my band and don't regret it at all. Not sure today if I would make a different choice, since I am a medicare patient and medicare doesn't yet cover the VSG, which is probably what I would choose.
Good luck!
He will have the same surgeon as I did. He did a great job with me. I think if I remember correctly, gall bladder problems occur in alot of the wls. My husband doesn't have nearly the amount of weight to lose like I did. And there is no way he will let them "rearange his insides". and he won't go for the sleeve. I think this is going to be the best choice for us. I hope that things work you for you and you continue to get healthier. Thankyou :)
Some of us are against the band b/c of the low long term success rate. Had we known in advance just how high the complications were a lot of us would never have gotten it. Even the ASMBS now says how ineffective the bands are.
I see you are passionate about this. 
I am just having a hard time relating. I have lost 75lbs that I never would have without my band. I am STILL losing weight. I am determined to reach my goal. A while back, I had serious pain in my arm and my hand went numb. I had a couple bulging discs in my neck. I didn't feel like exercising and didn't care what I ate. I gained weight. I realized that the band was NOT going to keep me from gaining weight, It was up to me. The band didn't fail, I failed to use the band. After I had surgery to repair my neck, I started to get back on track. As soon as I did, the band worked. So I have a hard time blaming the band for failure when I know in my heart if I don't use it properly if course it is not going to work. I understand that there are people who have serious complications. I'm not disputing that. But failure of regain or not losing weight I believe has more to do with compliance. And there are serious complications and failures with all the wls. Our insurance will not pay for the sleeve. (which I originally wanted. my husband will not consider having his guts rearranged lol) So that only leaves the band. Without it, he doesn't stand a chance. So our choice is the band or nothing. I want my husband to do something. And the fact that he has agreed to it AT ALL is amazing. He has been adamant about not having ANY surgery at all. (he still has his wisdom teeth that come up about once a year giving him a great deal of pain but refuses to get them out)
I believe if he uses the band like he's supposed to and barring any complications, that he can be successful.

I am just having a hard time relating. I have lost 75lbs that I never would have without my band. I am STILL losing weight. I am determined to reach my goal. A while back, I had serious pain in my arm and my hand went numb. I had a couple bulging discs in my neck. I didn't feel like exercising and didn't care what I ate. I gained weight. I realized that the band was NOT going to keep me from gaining weight, It was up to me. The band didn't fail, I failed to use the band. After I had surgery to repair my neck, I started to get back on track. As soon as I did, the band worked. So I have a hard time blaming the band for failure when I know in my heart if I don't use it properly if course it is not going to work. I understand that there are people who have serious complications. I'm not disputing that. But failure of regain or not losing weight I believe has more to do with compliance. And there are serious complications and failures with all the wls. Our insurance will not pay for the sleeve. (which I originally wanted. my husband will not consider having his guts rearranged lol) So that only leaves the band. Without it, he doesn't stand a chance. So our choice is the band or nothing. I want my husband to do something. And the fact that he has agreed to it AT ALL is amazing. He has been adamant about not having ANY surgery at all. (he still has his wisdom teeth that come up about once a year giving him a great deal of pain but refuses to get them out)
I believe if he uses the band like he's supposed to and barring any complications, that he can be successful.

Well I can understans why you can't relate to this........you have been LUCKY! You are blessed. MANY of us though were not when we got our bands. Now no one is talking about compliance. I was referring to failed bands. If you don't comply and try to work WITH your band then just kind of deserve what you get. Kind of like being given insulin and injecting it once a wk. You have to do your part as well, but that is not the issue here. The issue is a HUGE % of failed bands. You are not that far out. You have been lucky thus far. Recent data indicates a 50% failure rate at 6 yrs. Why would anyone want a band if they knew they had a 50% chance of needing it removed in 6 yrs.??? We had a lady on the Lap-Band forum about 6 or 7 months ago that was just all gung ho about the band we tried to tell her. She said her husband had it and had lost 200 pounds so she knew it worked. So what happened? She got her band. Had to have it removed 10 days later. Now granted that is an extreme case...........but you frequently have husband/wife teams that get the band together and one does great (short term).............the other doesn't. I can guarantee you that you will NOT feel the same about the band in a few years!
It's the LONG TERM part that is disappointing. The band can work for a year or two... and then the problems start up. I've watched this for over 9 years now and have gone through horrible complications, myself.
It has little to do with "compliance" unless you're able to will your body to not experience pain and damage. The Vagus nerves run from the base of the skull down through the diaphragm and into the stomach. The band affects these nerves adversely in a LOT of people. The incidence of referred left shoulder pain is just starting to be acknowledged as a serious side effect with bands. It's extremely common.
All WLS do have risks... however, the band fails most often. And the advertising leads people to believe that it's somehow "safer" and "less invasive." In reality, most bands will need to be removed at some point, there will be damage done from them, and subsequent surgeries will most likely be required.
Hopefully you and your husband will be 2 of the lucky ones. I wish you both the best.
I am only answering because you asked.
I know that it sounds "negative." Over a computer screen it might come off as such. But it's not my intention to sound like I'm saying you will fail, please know this. I'm just sharing my own experience.
It has little to do with "compliance" unless you're able to will your body to not experience pain and damage. The Vagus nerves run from the base of the skull down through the diaphragm and into the stomach. The band affects these nerves adversely in a LOT of people. The incidence of referred left shoulder pain is just starting to be acknowledged as a serious side effect with bands. It's extremely common.
All WLS do have risks... however, the band fails most often. And the advertising leads people to believe that it's somehow "safer" and "less invasive." In reality, most bands will need to be removed at some point, there will be damage done from them, and subsequent surgeries will most likely be required.
Hopefully you and your husband will be 2 of the lucky ones. I wish you both the best.
I am only answering because you asked.

Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI