
What does "Minimally Invasive" mean? X post

Stephanie M.
on 6/27/12 3:43 am
Minimally invasive surgery is mentioned every where these days.  Often people who choose one WLS over another will say that they chose surgery A because it is less invasive.  This is a misunderstanding...all surgery is invasive.  The term "minimally invasive" doesn't refer to any specific surgery, but rather to the size of the incisions.  There are 3 (some say 4) levels of invasion in medicine:
1. Non-invasive: nothing enters the body

2. Minimally invasive:  can be laprascopic or just a small incision to access an area near the surface of the skin.  This is where you could draw a distinction between laprascopic and just a small surgery not requiring access to an internal organ.

3. Open:  Usually a larger incision to allow for a better visualization of the operative field.  Open procedures are becoming less and less common as laprascopic procedures become more sophisticated and allow for better visualization.

Bottom line...when a surgery is mentioned as being leaset invasive, it isn't your choice of surgery that is least invasive, it is the method of surgery.  Coronary surgery can be minimally invasive or open depending on the individual cir****tances.  I hope this clarifies things a bit.



  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Nic M
on 7/9/12 2:27 am
Bumping for those who don't understand what MINIMALLY INVASIVE might mean.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


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