
Day 2 liquid diet

Karyn H.
on 6/22/12 8:19 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
Ok this is harder than I thought.  I would be okay except that I am not a sweet eater... these shakes are SO sweet and I would kill for anything not sweet.  My daughter made me some beef bullion last night and it was truthfully the best thing I have ever had lol.  I didn't realize how hungry I would be

Day 2 almost down.... 4 more to go....
on 6/22/12 9:53 pm
Keep your eye on the prize hon! Whenever your hunger starts to get the best of you, remember WHY you are doing it. And try to keep busy. Going for walks helped me.  4 days may seem like a long time, but you can do this!!
Karyn H.
on 6/23/12 12:26 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
Lol I can't believe how depressed I got last night.. I mean I was totally irrational.  I burst into tears because I couldn't find my glasses.  It was totally ridiculous looking at it this morning.  I had to fight myself not to snap at my poor husband who is just trying to be supportive. 

Eye on the prize.... Eye ont he prize
on 6/23/12 9:22 am
 ya, going without (chewable) food seems like torture for me. and being an emotional eater, not having that crutch made me nuts too.  It also made me realize how much I depended of food to help me cope on a daily basis. Its going to be a long road. Hopefully your husband unnderstands your emotions are temporary. Once you get leveled out, its going to be much better. :)

Tom C.
on 6/23/12 11:38 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Don't forget your body, and emotions, will be in a flux for a while. A lot is going on with your body.   Know we’re here if you need us.   IT DOES GET BETTER!!!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Kim H.
on 6/24/12 5:00 am - Duluth, MN
My doc has his patients on liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks following surgery, but the liquids he had us on were
not-so-intolerable stuff, like Slim Fast,Muscle Milk, carnation Instant Breakfast, tomato soup, for the fact that he knew if some of it did not taste good there was no way we could do it. I am almost 17 months out from surgery and have less than 10 pounds to goal. Like has been stated, keep you eye on the prize, it will be worth it! And we are here for you! Good luck!


Karyn H.
on 6/25/12 7:49 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
Ok I am 2 days away.  I have not been completely faithful to the diet in the sense that my doc's is MUCh stricter than most.  Nothing but Bariatric Fusion and water for 6 days....  I could not do it.  Hubby got me some tomato soup and that helped a lot. I am not a sweet eater so the other things I could have like sugar free jello and popsicles didnt help.  I needed something not sweet.  Tomato soup and beef broth seem to have done the trick.  Still.... I would KILL to CHEW something lol
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