
Surgery Date

Karyn H.
on 6/13/12 6:38 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
I have completely forgotten to mention in my previous posts!  I actually have a surgery date.  June 27th is my new Birth/Band day!  I am so excited and strangely not at all afraid.  I trust my surgeon and I am just excited to be proactive for once.  I am actually more afraid of the 6 day pre op liver reduction diet lol. 

My husband has some fears of his own but I am hopefully reassuring him.  I am a nurse so hospitals don't scare me like they do some others. 
I found on another website this wonderful "Before you go to the hospital" list and it is giving me an excuse to go shopping lol. 

Anyone have any suggestions about things I might want to have handy at the house for when I come home from the hospital?  The list I found suggested:

Liquid Tylenol (they make adult strength)
Chewable or liquid gas-x
Gauze Pads 4x4
Paper tape
Stool Softener
Pill cutter
Chewable vitamins
Benedryl cream (suggested for those who have a slight allergy to gauze tape)

They had some other stuff on there related to clothing/entertainment items but the list was an old post from 2007.  So I thought maybe I might get a more current list from someone.
on 6/13/12 8:18 am
 Are they doing your surgery laproscopicly (sp?) I went in for mine as an out patient at 7am and they booted me out by noon. so I didn't really need to bring anything to the hospital except comfortable clothes. as far as for home, just liquid and soft things to eat. remember to get up and walk as much as is comfortable so you don't risk getting a blood clot. I'm not sure what the gas x is for. since you won't have much in your stomach for awhile you shouldn't have much gas :) congratulations on your surgery date. Its not gonna be easy, but its so worth it!!
Karyn H.
on 6/13/12 10:01 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
The plan is laproscopically but my surgeon errs on the side of caution and keeps everyone at least overnight.  I know all about DVT's (I'm a rehab nurse) and I have never been one to lie around even after a surgery.  In fact I got yelled at for walking to the nurses station to ask for a pain pill rather than ringing my call bell lol
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