
Getting Discouraged now

Karyn H.
on 6/6/12 9:24 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
So I have been approved for the realize band and have been reading through this site for the past few hours.  My surgery is scheduled for 6/27 and I WAS really excited.  Now though... I am looking through these forums and aside from all of the wonderful motivational quotes, I see nothing but people with negative things to say about banding. 
Is there anyone out there who can reassure me because I have come too far to start over now?  Has anyone been successful with this?
Stephanie M.
on 6/7/12 1:38 am
 Read everything you can.  The Failed Lapband group can give you many varied experiences. You may decide to go ahead, but at least will be informed.  Read up on VSG too...  www.obesityhelp.com/group/failed_lap_bands/discussion/


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Tom C.
on 6/7/12 4:33 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Please note what I am about to say is based on my experience, and there is no guarantee the same may happen to you.


I have lost over 200 pounds with my band. I have been banded over 4 years, and had no complications. I am at my personal goal, and I am happy. I don't regret a single day, and would recommend the band to anyone.


This procedure, like any other, isn’t a cure all. I battle everyday to stay focus. For me, I am an addict, and food is my vice.


I can say with 100% certainty, NONE of these operations are 100% success nor are there any that are 100% failures. You need to know that. You’ll hear pro and cons of all these operations.


Know band failure is possible. It is only a device. Speak to your Doctor to find out the true facts how many band failures he’s seen.

Also know failure with the band is possible - same as with any of these operations. If you don't adhere to the rules, you won't be successful.


Know no matter which operation you chose, I will be here for you!!


Good luck!!



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Karyn H.
on 6/7/12 6:25 am, edited 6/7/12 6:25 am - PA
REALIZE Band on 06/27/12
Thank you for letting me know.  I have done the research.  I have been doing the research for YEARS.  It's just this past year that I was finally able to get off my butt and  go for it.  I am a nurse.  I chose the banding with the help of my physician as the best choice for me.  I was just looking for some positive comments about it on this site.  I know they are out there but this site seems to have more negative than positive.  Nothing is a cure all for my weight.  I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me for the rest of my life.  My sister had RNY about 9 years ago and has maintained a 140lb loss since then.  She looks good.  She has never had a single complication.  Because of my smoking history my physcian will not do a RNY for me.  I am ok with that.  Quitting smoking made dieting look easy and I know that there is a chance I might relapse so it is safer for me to do the banding.  Ideally, I would do VSG but my insurance does not cover it unless your BMI is over 50.  Mine is 46 so I am SOL there.

Thank you again for giving me something to look forward to.  I am super excited to be taking this step!
Tom C.
on 6/8/12 1:40 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Glad to know you've done your homework. And being a nurse is a plus.

As for the your insurance company, are you sure of your BMI? Read between the lines - You may be shorter than you think.

Example a person 6 feet 2 inches who weighs 230 pounds has a BMI of 29.5 - which is overweight. However someone who is 6 feet, at 230 has a BMI of 32.1 and is obese.

I also know someone who was reweighed. That dope forgot to empty their pockets. And imagine, on the same day they were carrying some weights around. Silly people.

Just know not matter what you choose, it will take work. NO MAGIC PILLS HERE!!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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