
I don't know where I am going:/

on 2/7/12 12:16 pm - MN
 Hello forum, 
It's been six weeks since surgery and I feel amazing. Although, I have not lost as much weight as I had hoped for I am still optimistic. I am eating right and exercise regularly. I had my first fill on 01/31/2012 but I feel that I am at a stand still I have not lost an ounce since then. I continue to eat the same amount of food and keeping my liquids (water) separate from my meals; and the number on the scale does not want to budge. not even an ounce. I have no restriction I still eat 3 ounces and perhaps maybe 4 ounces but no more, and nothing. One of the things that I am not happy about is that scale. My scale has been my jail for many years and I wish I can break free. The one time that I threw my scale, I gained 45 lbs. Now I know that I must have a scale and I use it often. but I just want to throw it away. What can I do to keep dropping lbs?
on 2/7/12 12:26 pm - Athens, GA

Dieting works. You may never be able to depend on the band for weight loss. A lot of bandsters NEVER reach restriction! :-( So just do high protein, lower sugar, carb and fat.

Good luck!




on 2/7/12 3:02 pm - Vancouver, WA
It does usually take more than one fill to get some restriction but like Maria said some of us never do. I wish you luck!
crystal M.
on 2/9/12 10:20 am - Joliet, IL
I had so much trouble the first 18 months.  I lost 50 lbs during that time.  I had no restriction.  Now I have some restriction but even with close to 10 ccs I can still eat wayyy too much if I let myself.  I am now almost 3 years out and I have lost 150+ lbs and I have often said it has been 80% me,  20% the band.  But I would never want to lose my band.  My eating habits are better now and I do eat alot less than I used too.  Instead of eating a whole medium pizza...two slices satisfies me now.  But I can still easily eat a dozen cookies, if I want.  

What I can tell you is the only thing that changed for me as far as weight loss is a very rigorous exercise routine.  I started off slow and got up to 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week.   It's the only way I lose weight...I can't lose by diet alone.  Last fall I moved and got off my exercise plan and haven't lost a pound.  I started back up this month and already lost 2lbs!!!  So that's why I say it's 80% me....

Anyway...don't worry I am proof that even if you start off slow you can finish with success!!! 
on 2/17/12 2:50 am
Was just at home beating myself up about my slow weight loss and lack of restriction. I have 7.5cc and I tell you, I don't feel anything. However, I have lost 22lbs in 2.5months. I guess that I shouldn't complain but boy it is taking forever....
on 2/19/12 1:10 pm - MN
 Thank you  for your response. I must say that I changed my excersice routine now I participate in Zumba and Weightlifting 3 to 4 days a week. I have not lost in any way but I feel good I am going for another fill on the 24th of this month. I wish you the best in your journey. 
on 2/18/12 9:07 am - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 12/08/15
Glad to read this post, it does make me feel better about what I'm considering the slowest loss yet. My surgery was 12/30/11, and I've lost 16 pounds. My doctor is pleased, which encourages me. However, I think my fault is by trying to read all the posts from others who have lost far more quickly, and letting it affect my own successful thinking. I need to see that this is MY journey, and if I want to lose the weight then I have to do it, not someone else. Does any of this make sense? lol.

I can do this...I know I can. It's just going to take time & patience.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

on 2/19/12 1:14 pm - MN
 Yes it does :) everyone has a different chemical body composition and are bodies metabolize different. Although, I feell lost,,,,, I have made more changes to my life. I have added more agressive workouts. I have not seen the numbers in the scale decrease but it is a good feeling that I am not the only one losing weight slowly. Keep up the good work. 
on 2/20/12 12:21 am
 You hit it on the nail: This is MY journey. I have been comparing myself to others and feeling bad about myself...Wow..this has opened something new for me..MY Journey..love this
on 2/20/12 5:40 am - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 12/08/15
Glad I could help! I've been the same way, and it has only served to make me miserable and feel like a failure before I really have even started!

I can do this...I know I can. It's just going to take time & patience.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

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