
I wished I thought logically... (kinda long!)

on 1/11/12 3:52 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 12/08/15
Hello everyone! I just had surgery on December 30th, and am trying to adjust to life. I thought I was pretty well prepared, but while my "logical side" was, and "irrational side" was not, lol.

I have a million and one recipes, articles, sites, etc to guide me. I actively participated in my life skills classes, shared my concerns with my NUT, and have even started trying to focus on getting a handle on my food addictions. However, I am allowing stress and self-doubt to slowly creep their way into my journey, and it's terribly frustrating! Here are some examples:

I regularly keep in touch with some of the people I met along the way, and was encouraged when I heard that one of them already had her first fill only two weeks out. I have not been feeling any restriction since about day four, so I thought that maybe this would be a good idea for me as well. I had my first post-op appt yesterday (12 days out) and was told they usually do not do a fill until minimum 5 weeks out. Said WLD buddy goes to the same practice, just a different location. I understand the dr's reasoning, so now it is up to me to really practice self-control and common sense to drag this weight off of me and keep losing until my first fill. I know I can do it, but sometimes I doubt it.

Next, I am hearing that other WLS buddies are already eating regularly, just smaller portions. I tried this, and it does not bode well for me, lol.

So why is the irrational side of me going through this?! Is this completely normal? And should I maybe cutback on correponding with these folks, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that I am starting to compare myself to them, which is not healthy at all?

Thanks for letting me vent

I can do this...I know I can. It's just going to take time & patience.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

Ashley A.
on 1/12/12 9:13 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Congrats on your surgery! I'm sorry you are having a tough time. 
I would try not to stress out about the fill, I didn't get mine until a little over 5 weeks out, I think it's best to wait so you can get use to how you are supposed to eat with the band so you won't have issues once you do have restriction.

If the food isn't aggreeing with you, it could be the type of food you are attempting to eat possibly. What happens exactly when you are trying to eat and what type of food is it? I would try not to stress out about the fill, I didn't get mine until a little over 5 weeks out, I think it's best to wait so you can get use to eating

I wouldn't recommend cutting off all contact with your fellow WLS buddies but maybe limit it for now until you get into the groove of your new lifestyle. I know it's hard to not compare yourself to them, especially when it comes to weight loss. Just remember everyone is different when it comes to the amount of restriction they get and how quickly they lose. Try to focus on you right now and try not to worry so much about them.

Hang in there!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 1/12/12 11:45 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 12/08/15
Hi Ashley!
I am having issues with meat, more so beef. I've always been a very fast eater, so it's the whole cutting into smaller pieces and then making sure I am chewing it up really, really well is where I am having some issues. I actually had threw it up exorcist-style yesterday, so I stayed away from any solids for the rest of the day.

Ashley A.
on 1/13/12 2:45 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
You may want to avoid solid meat for a little while longer, and go for more solid soft foods, eggs, refried beans, cheese, sf pudding, etc. I know some other people that have been on the forum, have never had success with beef, so it may be a meat you just won't be able to eat. I have always been a fast eater as well, it took me awhile to get the hang of not scarfing my food down. Good luck!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


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