
Tips to be prepared for lap gastric band surgery

on 12/18/11 10:30 pm - horse cave, KY
Hello everyone.  I've been a member for some time and really enjoy reading the posts, but have never posted.  After trying to meet all insurance requirements since May, I finally got approved and scheduled for Dec 29th to have lap band!  Hooray!  I was just wondering what tips anyone might have about things one can do to be best prepared for this surgery (other than the 1500 cal liver shrinking diet  for 2 weeks prior)?  I had to do a 6 mo physician supervised wt loss attempt prior to approval and lost around 22 lbs (from 281 to 259) so I hope this will help.  Any advice?
on 12/19/11 1:17 am
 I found the following things helpful to have on hand:

A pillow for the car ride home, to protect your incisions.
Gas X (for the gas they pump into you, got rid of mine fast).
Clear liquids (of course).
A pillow to prop you up in bed.
on 12/19/11 1:24 am - horse cave, KY
Thanks for your reply!  I'll be sure to bring all those things :-)
on 12/19/11 1:30 am
 Feel free to ask if you want to know anything else.
I just had surgery on the 16th. :)
on 12/19/11 2:20 am - horse cave, KY
on the 16th of Dec?  Awesome!  Congrats!  How is your recovery going thus far?
Ashley A.
on 12/19/11 8:49 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
I just wanted to say congrats on the approval and surgery date!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 12/20/11 5:09 am

Honestly I feel pretty good!!

The soreness is almost gone, and I am just a little sleepy. :)
on 1/2/12 8:59 am
Hi there, How are you doing? I know it's only been a few days. I go tomorrow for my lap band.I had to do the same as you the 6mo and the liver shrinking. I have lost 15lbs. Hope everything is going good!! I am so glad my sister told me about this site I have read alot of blogs it has helped!! thank you everyone!!


on 1/2/12 9:32 pm - horse cave, KY
Hi mema05,

I wish you lots of luck on your surgery!  I had mine a few days ago (Dec 29).  It went well.  However, I am having trouble getting the recommended amount of fluids and protein since the surgery.  I'm in the liquid phase of the diet, but even extremely thin liquids like water feels like they just sit there and expand.  I have been managing to get down almost 2 protein drinks daily by sipping all day, but even that is only 30 grams of protein, 22 oz, and 200 calories total, so needless to say, I've been feeling pretty weak, shaky, and not the best.  I'm going to call the surgeons office today for recommendations.  I'm sure (hopefully) this will be a momentary phase that will pass.  I've lost 11 more pounds thus far since last Thursday (partiallyl fluids I'm sure) due to not being able to get much down).  On a lighter note, the surgery itself was a breeze :-)
on 1/5/12 5:21 am
I am doing ok. They had to fix a hurnia they, then they put the band on. So I don't know what i am soar from. lol alot of gas thats fore sure l0l. I am not getting very much down either. I just cant tell if it the band or the hurnia repair that is giving me pain. also I feel like my tummy if grawling all the time like I am hungry. Thank you for getting back to me!!! well keep in touch


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