I had to have corrective surgery this past Tuesday because of a slip... which was due to having a pregnancy too soon after my lapband was placed. The slip was found post pregnancy after a fill. I had an emergency unfill and never went back.
Just two months ago I decided to try again, but the doctor said the slip had gone further and she was adamant that I have corrective surgery. She replaced the lapband with a realize band. Before my orignal band placement several years ago, I had studied and prepared and been very mentally ready for this procedure. This time, I felt blindsided, I wasn't prepared, I was not in pain and was not even sure the surgery was necessary.
My questions are these: 1) is there a significant difference between the bands... as in, has anyone else switched from lap to realize? 2) I totally forgot how slowly things progress after surgery. I am having a really hard time sticking to clear liquids for 7 days, so I've already moved to full liquids. There have been no problems, but how do you all get though these many days of no real food? I'm feeling very deprived and miserable. If I have to see another bowl of broth I'm going to puke. I'd rather not eat. Same with protein shakes. What type of progression is your doc recommending? 3) How long did you sleep upright? At this poing I'm not getting good rest and that's not helping my mental state. I'm wondering if after 3 nights in a chair I can finally try propping up a bit in my bed.
Thank you for any of the above information. I used this site a lot in 2006-07. I have not educated myself near enough to have been ready for surgery or what happens next. I appreciate any support you may have.
Just two months ago I decided to try again, but the doctor said the slip had gone further and she was adamant that I have corrective surgery. She replaced the lapband with a realize band. Before my orignal band placement several years ago, I had studied and prepared and been very mentally ready for this procedure. This time, I felt blindsided, I wasn't prepared, I was not in pain and was not even sure the surgery was necessary.
My questions are these: 1) is there a significant difference between the bands... as in, has anyone else switched from lap to realize? 2) I totally forgot how slowly things progress after surgery. I am having a really hard time sticking to clear liquids for 7 days, so I've already moved to full liquids. There have been no problems, but how do you all get though these many days of no real food? I'm feeling very deprived and miserable. If I have to see another bowl of broth I'm going to puke. I'd rather not eat. Same with protein shakes. What type of progression is your doc recommending? 3) How long did you sleep upright? At this poing I'm not getting good rest and that's not helping my mental state. I'm wondering if after 3 nights in a chair I can finally try propping up a bit in my bed.
Thank you for any of the above information. I used this site a lot in 2006-07. I have not educated myself near enough to have been ready for surgery or what happens next. I appreciate any support you may have.
Hi Finchy,
I'm sorry you are having to go through everything again. I felt the same way you did after my surgery as far as being blindsided. I did so much research on the Lap-Band and thought that's what I was getting until I went to my post-op follow up appointment and my surgeon then told my she always uses the realize band.
1.) The only real main difference I know of between the 2 bands is the Realize Band has a port that is a lower profile. I have heard with the Realize Band it takes a lot more liquid to have restriction than the older Lap-Bands but I know everyone is different in that department.
2.) Directly after my surgery I wasn't really hungry for the first few days because of the pain meds I just made sure I was well hydrated, but to be honest I started eating real food way before I should have. I started eating solids by the beginning of my second week out. I was able to eat just about anything. I
3.) I started sleeping in my bed the 2nd night I was home from surgery. I couldn't stand being on the couch or chair because it was too hard to get up at the time. I would say you would be okay propping up on the bed at this point, just take it slow and easy when you go to get in and out of bed.
I hope this information helps some. Hang in there!
Welcome back to the board.
I'm sorry you are having to go through everything again. I felt the same way you did after my surgery as far as being blindsided. I did so much research on the Lap-Band and thought that's what I was getting until I went to my post-op follow up appointment and my surgeon then told my she always uses the realize band.
1.) The only real main difference I know of between the 2 bands is the Realize Band has a port that is a lower profile. I have heard with the Realize Band it takes a lot more liquid to have restriction than the older Lap-Bands but I know everyone is different in that department.
2.) Directly after my surgery I wasn't really hungry for the first few days because of the pain meds I just made sure I was well hydrated, but to be honest I started eating real food way before I should have. I started eating solids by the beginning of my second week out. I was able to eat just about anything. I
3.) I started sleeping in my bed the 2nd night I was home from surgery. I couldn't stand being on the couch or chair because it was too hard to get up at the time. I would say you would be okay propping up on the bed at this point, just take it slow and easy when you go to get in and out of bed.
I hope this information helps some. Hang in there!
Welcome back to the board.
thank you so much, ashley. and what an amazing weight loss you have achieved! wow. i was not really using my band to its potential because of that first bad fill after my pregnancy. when it closed off entirely it just freaked me out and i never felt ready to again utilize it until just recently. a lot of that had to do with caring for an infant, and now toddler. i've lost a bit of weight and kept it off. i'm hoping to get a new lease on weight loss. however i am very saddened that the scale is not at least moving right now. i lost eight pounds the week prior to surgery on the liver shrinking diet, and the scale has not moved since. my stomach has never growled this much, and for two days there i didn't eat anything but clear liquid, then clear liquids with a little applesauce, and now yesterday and today full liquids. i can't believe the scale has not moved in the slightest. it would make all of this a little bit easier. i know this, too, shall pass. i really appreciate hearing that you moved forward as you were able to tolerate things. i'm definitely going to try sleeping in my bed tonight. thanks again!
Just wanted to invite you to visit the regular lap band forum too, this one tends to be pretty slow most of the time, and we welcome all bandsters. If you look to the right side of this page it should tell you most everything you need to know about your band and what to eat when. Myself I just couldn't deal with the protein shakes so I pureed chunky soup and thinned it down to fairly liquidy. Just having a savory taste instead of sweet helped me get thru the first few weeks. Please be very careful about moving ahead too fast because it can "unseat" the band before it gets settled into the proper place if the stomach has to churn too much digesting thicker foods. Do join us on the other forum we are glad to help any way we can.
thank you so much, hislady. i was noticing this board didn't have much movement. and after i posted, i laughed because i saw the column to the right here. i've since looked through those and it answered most of my questions. good idea about pureeing the soup and thinning it. i couldn't agree more about the sweetness. i don't think i will have the need to taste artificially flavored chocolate anything for a very long time. i made a couple posts on the lapband forum pre-corrective surgery, not knowing that when i got out of surgery, i would have a realize band. so thanks for letting me know that all band patients utilize the other board. i appreciate it. :)
well to be honest I gained a little bit the last month...just a LITTLE bit..so now I am like 23 pounds to goal... but, believe me I AM HAPPY!! But, now if I could just keep remembering all I have been taught...eat S_L_O_W_L_Y and CHEW CHEW CHEW.....things seem to get stuck lately but I know it is my fault and NOT the foods' fault! Anyone else a little nervous about Thanksgiving?