
2 week reboot diet for me!

on 10/20/11 10:24 pm - Allen, OK
Hello OH Friends,
I visited with my surgeon Wednesday and I had gained 11 pounds over the past 6 months! I was so discouraged with myself and so worried what he would say to me, but you no what I shouldn't have been! I have the most sincere, understanding, caring surgeon anyone could ever ask for. He makes me feel important and gives me control. He asked me what I wanted to do and I told him I guess start all over from the beginning and that's when he told me about the 2 week reboot diet! I can do this! I have already dropped 6 pounds since Wednesday:) I have also been doing my 3 1/2 mile walk for my exercise. With any luck I will reach my goal and maintain it soon:)  I was 162 Wednesday and I'm 156 this morning and my goal is 135 - 140!Thanks for all your support My OH Friends!
Anna H.
on 10/22/11 2:51 am - Lawrenceville, PA
Congratulations on the weight loss!!!! can you  give some info on the reboot diet? I think That maybe what I need to kick start me again :)
  1.           "Rescuing one dog will not change the world...But for that dog the world will be forever changed.
on 10/22/11 5:43 am - Allen, OK
Hello Anna,
Thank You! I am on day 4 and it's not been to bad. My family has eaten out twice and I went along and took my shake and drank it. By no way is it easy but it does work if you stay commited and do just as it says. This diet is designed to reboot your metabolism into fat burning mode. The goal is to dramatically change your intakewhich will force your body to use fat for fuel and decrease hunger. The reboot is the perfect setup to get you back on track with your postop diet. You will follow the reboot diet for 2 weeks then see your dietician to help tailor your postop diet to your individual needs and lifestyle.
Drink 64 ounces of non caloric fluids daily (less than 15 calories per 8 ounce.)
Exercise: Walk 30 minutes 3 times a week.

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Snack: Pure Protein Bar/Supreme Protein Bar
Lunch:Atkins Shake
Snack:Pure Protein Bar/Supreme Protein Bar
Dinner:Atkins Shake

You can purchase shakes and bars from your Bariatric Program they have a list but I just use Walmart it's alot cheaper. I like the chocolate and strawberry shakes.
Good luck and keep in touch we can support one another.
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