Good Morning Everyone,
Prayers needed if you don't mind. My middle son who is in a Christian recovery program for substance abuse ( pain pills ) had 2 of his wisdom teeth removed on tuesday. He is in alot of pain and can take only OTC meds....also my 68 yr. old sister is a greeter at Walmart and fell yesterday gathering shopping carts in the parking lot and was in the ER for most of the day till 11 PM last night ( they thought she had messed up disks in her back but it ended up she was in extreme pain due to arthritus ...but she did bruise her bones in her back. ). My family would appreciate any and all prayers on their behalf.
We ALL have so very much in our lives to be grateful for. Even the tinyest of things are blessings in our lives. After all.....we can see the print on the paige or hear the birds chirping or feel the cool air of fall. Those are some of the things that we take for granted. We truely shouldn't take anything for granted......we have no guarantees that they won't be taken from us. Today I am so grateful that my older sister wasn't hurt badly in the fall yesterday. Grateful for the strength that my middle son is showing during this difficult timie in a recovery program.....recovering from 2 teeth being rermoved with no pain meds. Grateful for all the blessings that the good Lord has sent my and my family's way. Grateful for my Faith and answered prayers. Grateful for my WLS and all the available WLS to chose. Grateful for my eyes, ears, nose and all my body parts that help me to function from day to day. Grateful for my 3 sons and Happy Birthday today to my baby son who is now 21 yrs. old. Grateful for Obesity Help and all the wonderful precious people I have met here. PLEASE share with us if you will what you are grateful for today.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Prayers needed if you don't mind. My middle son who is in a Christian recovery program for substance abuse ( pain pills ) had 2 of his wisdom teeth removed on tuesday. He is in alot of pain and can take only OTC meds....also my 68 yr. old sister is a greeter at Walmart and fell yesterday gathering shopping carts in the parking lot and was in the ER for most of the day till 11 PM last night ( they thought she had messed up disks in her back but it ended up she was in extreme pain due to arthritus ...but she did bruise her bones in her back. ). My family would appreciate any and all prayers on their behalf.
We ALL have so very much in our lives to be grateful for. Even the tinyest of things are blessings in our lives. After all.....we can see the print on the paige or hear the birds chirping or feel the cool air of fall. Those are some of the things that we take for granted. We truely shouldn't take anything for granted......we have no guarantees that they won't be taken from us. Today I am so grateful that my older sister wasn't hurt badly in the fall yesterday. Grateful for the strength that my middle son is showing during this difficult timie in a recovery program.....recovering from 2 teeth being rermoved with no pain meds. Grateful for all the blessings that the good Lord has sent my and my family's way. Grateful for my Faith and answered prayers. Grateful for my WLS and all the available WLS to chose. Grateful for my eyes, ears, nose and all my body parts that help me to function from day to day. Grateful for my 3 sons and Happy Birthday today to my baby son who is now 21 yrs. old. Grateful for Obesity Help and all the wonderful precious people I have met here. PLEASE share with us if you will what you are grateful for today.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"