Good Morning Everyone.
Hope everyone is having a great week and is looking forward to the weekend. I know my week ( thank God ) seems to be getting better daily. My son is finally getting back to his old self but is still in need of prayer. Hopefully by next week all this nightmare will be behind us. Thank you everyone who has kept my family in your prayers. As we ALL know by the title of this post....it is a daily Grateful Post. Even though right now you may be saying......"I have NOTHING to be grateful for." Just think about that statement. YES you DO !!! You can see and read with your eyes. That alone is one thing you can be grateful for. You are live and breathing. That too is another thing. Anyway what I am getting at is.....no matter how bad things are in your life.....there is ALWAYS something no matter how small it is to be grateful for in your life everyday. After all...we were never promised a "perfect life", PLEASE share with us today what you are grateful for. Today I am so grateful that my son is getting better. I was SO very worried about him and with what he is now going through. But with lots of prayer and love he is doing pretty well. Today I am also grateful for my Faith in a higher power and all the strength that I get from that.....for prayers being answered and for my family. Grateful for my WLS and all the WLS available today for the choosing. Grateful for my life, husband and his job,.....my 3 sons.......my life as a smaller person and all my OH Friends. Grateful for Eric Klein started Obesity Help. Grateful for the upcoming OH New Orleans, La. Conference Sept. 9 - 10. Hope everyone is going. It should be amazing !!! Have a blessed day and please don't forget to share what you are grateful for.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Hope everyone is having a great week and is looking forward to the weekend. I know my week ( thank God ) seems to be getting better daily. My son is finally getting back to his old self but is still in need of prayer. Hopefully by next week all this nightmare will be behind us. Thank you everyone who has kept my family in your prayers. As we ALL know by the title of this post....it is a daily Grateful Post. Even though right now you may be saying......"I have NOTHING to be grateful for." Just think about that statement. YES you DO !!! You can see and read with your eyes. That alone is one thing you can be grateful for. You are live and breathing. That too is another thing. Anyway what I am getting at is.....no matter how bad things are in your life.....there is ALWAYS something no matter how small it is to be grateful for in your life everyday. After all...we were never promised a "perfect life", PLEASE share with us today what you are grateful for. Today I am so grateful that my son is getting better. I was SO very worried about him and with what he is now going through. But with lots of prayer and love he is doing pretty well. Today I am also grateful for my Faith in a higher power and all the strength that I get from that.....for prayers being answered and for my family. Grateful for my WLS and all the WLS available today for the choosing. Grateful for my life, husband and his job,.....my 3 sons.......my life as a smaller person and all my OH Friends. Grateful for Eric Klein started Obesity Help. Grateful for the upcoming OH New Orleans, La. Conference Sept. 9 - 10. Hope everyone is going. It should be amazing !!! Have a blessed day and please don't forget to share what you are grateful for.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"
Today I am grateful for doctors who know what they are doing.
I am grateful I kept my food down today (sorry if that was TMI -too much information)
I am grateful for renewed friendships
For my OH "family and all the support we can give one another
I am grateful that prayers are being answered for Vivian and her family(Love you Vivian!)
I am grateful for a supportive husband and family
I am grateful that I am so very near my "sweet spot"...and can feel full..
I am grateful I kept my food down today (sorry if that was TMI -too much information)
I am grateful for renewed friendships
For my OH "family and all the support we can give one another
I am grateful that prayers are being answered for Vivian and her family(Love you Vivian!)
I am grateful for a supportive husband and family
I am grateful that I am so very near my "sweet spot"...and can feel full..