Looking for a friend
It's so good to know there are others out there in my shoes. Right now im struggling with the liquid pre op diet and i've b een very cranky. I've gotten in all my protein, and have been sipping on my water. All I keep thinking is Pizza, and Tacos and I break out crying. I have to keep telling myself I'm better than this and deserve it. Thanks for taking the time to write me back
You can do this. I know you can. Try the slim fast. I am doing that. I have cheated a few times and I feel bad about it. It is absolutely one of the hardest things I have ever ever done. It is one thing to do liquid only when you are ill or have had dental work or whatever but a completely different ball of wax to do it when you are healthy. I feel your pain. You can do this. I have researched it quite a bit and alot of doctors allow chicken and veggies for one meal a day. My weight loss doctor only wants fasting the day before the surgery but I chose to do it for seven days based on all I have read online. Listen, email me at my regular address which is [email protected]. I check it more regularly and will get back with you as often as I can. Stay Strong. Cindy
I was banded March 30 this year and thought about this situation the following way: My first week of protien shakes, my sister came to visit, and we went everywhere going out to eat, and everyone was eating hamburgers n fries, wings, pizza, chinese, etc., and I would just have ice tea and then a protien shake later after everyone ate...I figured that if I had enough willpower to sit through and watch everyone eat (although I played games on my phone or had something to occupy my time) then I was strong enough to change my eating habits for the rest of my life...
Good luck and hope youre doing well...
If ever you need to vent, cry, or just ask a question you can always come here. We are are here for anyone who needs us.
Sorry to start off this reply with a correction. You state you don’t have any friends who knows what you’re going through. Sorry, but you have a much of friends, RIGHT HERE, who know EXACTLY what you’re going through. So always know you can come to us.
Many time people cannot relate to a specific addiction. Having never smoked in my life I can’t understand how someone can’t just throw the pack away and stop smoking. Same can be said when it comes to food addiction. The average person has no idea what we go through. And the entertainment (movies, television) and media (news) industry doesn’t help when they portray “overweight" people as lazy slobs who can’t control themselves.
Well, know you can always contact me via here, personal email ([email protected]) or phone (send me an email and I will give you my number – or just look at any truckers rest-stop men’s room wall .. I mean .. oooppppssss).
Good luck MY FRIEND!!
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
I do have to say..you guys and gals are great, wonderful, kindhearted folks. As a newbie I appreciate the kinda slap on the back of the head, to help us snap out of it and realize we do have friends and can find support here.
May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.