

Amy B.
on 7/4/11 9:42 pm
About a month ago, I called my surgeon's office to schedule my next lapband fill. They only do them every other Monday, so I figured it would be plenty of time before my cruise (I leave on Saturday). I didn't hear anything back, so after the weekend, I called back and was told they were all at a conference and to call back the following Monday. I called back and left another message. After 2 days, still nothing. So I emailed my support staff and got a response almost immediately saying they had called the scheduling person and I should hear back ASAP. I finally did get a call, but I was out of town and had limited cell service, so she left a message. I called her back that same day and left her another message to just schedule it and leave me a message about when to come. She never called me back. When I got home, I called my support person and she couldn't believe I hadn't been scheduled and said she would call to do it herself. Unfortunately, due to the holiday, the next time is July 11th when I'll be on the cruise. Now I have to wait until the 25th. I'm really not feeling as full as I should and I scared that I'll go on this cruise and gain weight! I also know how my family is and they will be watching every bite I take and saying, "now, should you eat that?" I think the stress of both of these things is weighing heavy (no pun intended) on me and I just don't want any of it to ruin my trip. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 

One day at a time.  
Chelsea D.
on 7/4/11 10:22 pm
I would say it is normal to be nervous about it. Have you been on a cruise before? I actually LOST weight on the 2 I've been on and wasn't banded! I lost 2-3 pounds on my 5 and 6 day trips. The reason? I'm a WHOLE lot more active than I am even working and moderately exercising. Plus...theres SOOOO many healthy options at dinner(maybe not so much at lunch especially if you're going on a Carnival ship) but honestly, I was so busy and having so much fun I didn't even care to eat half the time. Just keep yourself occupied, there's PLENTY you can do. Maybe just plan for your goal to be maintaining during that time rather than losing. Stay active and make healthy choices 99% of the time...if you want dessert, have a few bites and then be done. Honestly by the time you reach that course at dinner you probably wont be able to handle more than that. You have done SO well since surgery, I have no doubt that this trip will be any different. Just focus on spending time with your family and making as many memories as humanly possible!! I hope you have a blast and can't wait to hear how it went when you get back!!!
Amy B.
on 7/5/11 8:52 pm
 Thanks, Chelsea! I have been on one before, but I was pregnant at the time, so no, I didn't lose weight :D I think if I hadn't been at a standstill for the past few weeks, I'd feel better about it, but I am taking my walking shoes and plan on just having fun like you said. Thanks for the encouragement!

on 7/5/11 6:49 am - Vancouver, WA
I agree with Chelsea, you still control what and how much you eat, so have a plan of some good healthy foods to eat when the munchie**** As for family well just let them know they don't need to police you, that you know what your plan is so they should just enjoy their trip. Just relax and enjoy the cruise!
on 7/5/11 12:43 pm
I agree with the Chelsea as well.  Just keep your eyes on the prize.  I know it is difficult.  Stay as active as possible.  You are not on the cruise to eat, you are on the cruise to relax and spend time with your family.   Try and remember those things.  Eating is secondary.   YOu can make appropriate choices, you did so when you made the choice to undergo WLS.  Good luck and enjoy yourself. 
Amy B.
on 7/5/11 8:53 pm
 Thanks everyone! I appreciate the encouragement!!!
Kim U.
on 7/6/11 11:29 am
Stop stressing and get the fill when you get back. You don't want to be too tight while on vaca anyways. Watch what you eat and eat fresh fruit and veggies when you can. One vacation didn't make you fat the first time.
Tom C.
on 7/6/11 1:12 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ



Being nervous is a feeling you should embrace because it means you want to succeed. That that feeling, and harness it, and make it your key to remain diligent.


Remember this is a long distance race, and not a sprint, so while on the cruise enjoy yourself, but don’t go overboard (no pun intended). You have the tools, just use them while you’re away. If  you’re hungry, go for the sensible FILLING (aka PROTEIN based) foods. Remember this is a lifestyle. Before putting that food in your mouth, ask yourself “is this getting me to my goal"? That may help you decided to eat it or not. Also remember, you can always ‘defer’ that food for a “later date". Example, if there is a piece of chocolate cake, you may want to remind yourself there will always be chocolate cake around. So does it really matter if you have it now, or can you wait another 2 – 4- 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 – 140 months from now?


Finally, it may be a good thing not having a fill before going on the cruise. Think of this, what would happen if while on the cruise you realize you band is too tight? Do you think  the medical folks on board is equipped to handle a bariatric dilemma?


Good luck, and have fun on your cruise. Know we’re here for you.


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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