
9.25cc of fluid and I can still eat!!!

Ebonet J.
on 6/23/11 2:04 am - Gibsonville, NC
So I have had my band for over a year now and I am starting to get worried.  I have 9.25 cc of fluid and I feel like I can still eat.  No getting stuck, no sickness, no nothing.  I have only gotten stuck 2 or 3 times but other than that I feel fine.  Now I do eat a WHOLE LOT LESS....but I worry.  When I went in for my last visit I still had all of my fluid.  Is anyone else experiencing this with their realize band??  I guess I thought I would only be eating 1/2 cup worth of food and be full, but NO!!  ANY THOUGHT???????

on 6/23/11 7:13 am
Ebonet, I would like to hear the experiences of others as well.  I am a newbie.  I just had my surgery in May and recently got my first fill(5 cc).  I can't eat as much,but I wonder if this would continue. 
on 6/23/11 9:18 am - Vancouver, WA
Well I havce heard of a few bandsters that have had more than the 10ccs put in their bands as they will hold a bit more than is stated but usually most are under 9ccs I think. It's hard to tell because each person is different. It may also need to be moved to where it will give you sense of restriction, maybe it wasn't put at the best position when placed. Hopefully others smarter than myself will post with better ideas.
Tom C.
on 6/23/11 9:34 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



The first question I have for you is how big is your Realize band? While 9.25 cc may seem a lot, maybe for you 9.5 or 9.75 is the correct about. Yes these may seem like small amounts, but it could make all the difference.


Secondly, have you spoke to your Doctor, Nutritionist and/or Psych Doctor about your dilemma? There are numerous reasons why you may have a non-full feeling. One could be, while you may be eating “correctly" you could be eating better. Example, while you may be hitting your Protein numbers, remember not all proteins are the same. A more solidified protein will keep you fuller longer then a liquid one. A 4 ounce piece of steak may keep you fuller than a protein drink.


Here are more questions for you: Are you sure you’re following the all the rules? Are you hitting your Protein numbers? Are you following the ‘drinking liquid’ before/during/after meal rule? Are you getting your allotment of liquids in? Are you eating regularly? Does each meal take at least 30 minutes? Are you taking your vitamins? Are you exercising? Are you snacking/grazing? Are you going to support groups? Are you comparing YOUR success by someone else’s? Are you journaling your intake?


I’ve heard that some people are full on 4 ounces of protein and 1/2 a cup of food. NOT ME. I know I need about 6 to 8 ounces of protein, and 2 cups of vegetables (BROCCOLI NORMANDY) in order to feel full. And I need to make sure my meal last 30+ minutes or I am not full.


We’re all different, and what works for one may not work for another. I STRONGLY SUGGEST speaking to your Doctor and Nutritionist. A slight “correction" can make the world of difference.



Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Ebonet J.
on 6/23/11 10:49 am - Gibsonville, NC
HI Tom,

THat's a lot to "digest"....lol  Sorry I will get back on track.  I do follow the rules...yes i have my occasional treat, but 99%of the time I eat properly.  I separate my liquids from my meals.  And exercise....I am a Zumba Instructor and teach 3-4 times a week.  I got the exercise part down.  Don't get me wrong I feel great and look great....BUT again I worry....And I did ask my doctor and she seems to think I am fine.  I guess I am wondering if anyone else finds that their Realize band holds a lot before they reach their sweet spot.  I keep waiting for something to drastically change with how much I can eat, but I feel the same.  I guess I am comparing myself to my friend.  I have fought to get every pound off.  I guess I was expecting better results with less effort...I know keep dreaming...

Tom C.
on 6/23/11 11:20 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



I hope I’m not coming off as “a know it all", or “putting you on the defense", because this is the last thing I want to do.


To ease SOME concerns, as I mentioned for MANY what I eat may seem A LOT. But according to my Doctor (any my results), I am eating what I should be. I do admit there are days I can eat more, and it takes will power not too. But naturally thin people go through the same thing. So if your Doctor says you're ok, then relax a bit.


Here’s some food for thought (no pun intended), you mentioned you’re a Zumba instructor, and do it 3 – 4 times a week. Have you ever considered you’re not eating ENOUGH?!?!? I know that sounds a little confusing, but as you know the human body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep itself functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food.

Just a suggestion, use an on-line journal (Realize My Success, the Daily Plate) and compare what you’re taking in compared to what your expelling and see if this helps. You may just need some more FOOD. Please, always consult with your Doctor/Nutritionist before making any changes.


Know I am here to help.




Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Ebonet J.
on 6/23/11 11:32 am - Gibsonville, NC
Hi Tom,
You are not coming off as a "know it all"  I am just silly that's all!  LOL

I appreciate the info.  I guess for so long I have worried about eating too much I never thought about not enough!!  I do exercise quite bit.  On the days I don't teach I walk on my lunch break for 1 hour and then practice dance moves at home.  I don't sit much.  SO weird....I think I do need to do better journeying...I usually over estimate everything and try not to count my exercise calories because I figure it's better to be under than over!!  I have a daily plate account I will need to use it more religiously.  THANKS!!!

Tom C.
on 6/24/11 1:13 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
You're not silly AT ALL. You have questions and concerns. That's normal. What would be silly is not to question those questions and concerns, and do things blindly.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not seeming as a "know it all" - because I am far from it.

Good luck, and let us know if journaling helped.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/24/11 10:54 am
Tom, again thanks for supplying that information.  You have really helped me since I have been on this site.  I really appreciate your wisdom and I am sure others do as well. 
crystal M.
on 6/24/11 11:52 am - Joliet, IL
I have 9.8 ccs.  Although, I can eat more...a lot more.  But I feel satisfied with the amount on my plate, but if you give me two cups I will and can eat 2 cups.  For me it's not the feeling of fullness, it's more like the feeling of not feeling hungry anymore.  That constant need to feed my face.  There are occasions where I can't eat anymore even if I wanted to...but on those occasions I feel way toooo full and uncomfortable.  I can tell you that the difference between the feeling I have now and what I was feeling was .2 ccs.  Yep, just that little amount made all the difference in the world.  So don't lose faith it could be your next fill. 
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