
NSV (also posted on Lap-Band Forum)

on 6/22/11 1:15 pm - TX

Since the appointment a couple of weeks before my lap-band surgery (in October) to yesterday, I have lost 34 pounds. I had hoped to lose more, but I’ll take that. But I have lost 26 inches from various parts of my body (21 ¾ inches just in my chest, waist, and hips!) and I'm getting into extra Large when I previously was 2X and 3X. Even better, my BMI has gone from 44.2 to 37.8! That’s all good news, and the weight loss has allowed my doctor to halve my blood pressure medicine because my blood pressure is so much better. He likely will take me off the Pradaxa at my next visit (the Pradaxa is the more effective but more expensive version of Coumadin, and it does not require the weekly sticks to keep me regulated). At some point I expect to be taken off Metformin, the diabetes medicine, or at least be given a lower dosage due to the weight loss. All good news.

It looks like I am right at the optimal fill. The doctor added just  0.25 cc yesterday, bringing me to 7.25 cc., I think. As I have said previously, I finally have a better understanding of the process (I wish this had all been explained earlier, but better late than never). I was expecting something called “restriction" to look a certain way, and some people do experience that, but I never did. That is, I was expecting that the band would “restrict" my stomach, and when a certain amount went in, my stomach would say (figuratively), “Whoa! OK. That’s enough." That wasn’t happening, and because I could eat, I was eating. Never to excess, but more than I needed.

What I've discovered is a better definition -- with the band, when I’ve eaten a smaller portion, I feel satisfied and not hungry until the next meal. So as I have restricted how much I eat – and I’m doing way better at that, as well as eating slower, taking smaller bites, and chewing more – I do find that I am satisfied with smaller amounts.

I really think I'm on the verge of a real breakthrough. Yeaaaaaa!

  High: 269              Surgery Day: 224              Current: 198.6   Goal: 135

"Do all the good you can,By all the means you can, In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can." John Wesley

Kim H.
on 6/22/11 7:32 pm - Duluth, MN
That is awesome! I feel "satisfied" MOST of the time since my last fill, putting me at 7.5 cc I believe. I am off metformin and blood pressure pill.I have lost 40 pounds..I think..I get weighed again later today...I am in all different sizes now..all smaller but still can not tell what size I am from week to week. I kinda think I gained this month..have not felt the "restriction" every time, nor the feeling of being full..so I may have had bigger portions of some foods, sometimes. Get my next fill in Mid- July when I get back from Vegas!
But, anyway..did you have the Realize Band OR the Lap-Band? Just curious.


on 6/23/11 9:50 am - TX
 I had the Realize, but I posted in both places because I go to both places (seems like more activity over on the Lap-Band forum).

I had my fill Tuesday, and the doctor talked with me a lot about how to move me downward (I have been circling 200 pounds for a couple of months -- 198.6, 200.2, 199.0, 201.0, and this morning, 197.6).

His advice was to cut back 10% of whatever I'm eating. If I feel satisfied with that, cut back another 5%, etc. He said some people can tell better their limits and their satisfaction level and some can't (I am apparently in the latter group!) But he thinks doing that will help me get to the right place of eating just the right amount to make me satisfied but not too much that I can't lose weight.

I saw my GP today (had a physical), and she was so proud of me (as I am of myself!) But she thinks -- given the results of my bloodwork today, which I won't know for a bit -- that I can probably halve my cholesterol medicine and soon will be able to halve my Metformin (diabetes). And she recommended I try cutting back on my Nexium -- instead of one every day, take one every other day. If I don't have symptoms, go to one every third day. If those things happen, I'll hardly be on any medicine at all!
  High: 269              Surgery Day: 224              Current: 198.6   Goal: 135

"Do all the good you can,By all the means you can, In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can." John Wesley

Kim H.
on 6/24/11 8:52 am - Duluth, MN
Yep! It is official!! 40 pounds lost..FOREVER..and 20 more to goal! I personally want to lose maybe 25 to 30 more, but, I will deal with that when the time comes. But, at any rate, I am really proud of myself and my husband says my self esteem has improved a great deal, and that is saying a lot since when we got married (will be 9 yrs in Aug!), I had hardly any self esteem and it was all based on my obesity. I can look in the mirror with pride now. I can not imagine feeling more proud after the last 20 pounds are gone!
So, even though my swim suit for Vegas was bigger than I had hoped, the rest of my clothes are smaller..and the best part is..my in laws have not seen me for a year (just after I found out I could have my initial consultation with my surgeon!
Have a great weekend!


on 6/23/11 12:51 am - AZ
That is awesome!! Congratulations on your progress....as well as getting your meds halved...
Tom C.
on 6/23/11 9:38 am - Mount Arlington, NJ


THANKS for this wonderful post. You don't realize how many you've helped today!! 
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/23/11 9:51 am - TX
 Thanks, Tom.

You have been MY inspiration, and you've always been so helpful and encouraging. 
  High: 269              Surgery Day: 224              Current: 198.6   Goal: 135

"Do all the good you can,By all the means you can, In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can." John Wesley

Kim H.
on 6/24/11 8:39 am - Duluth, MN
That IS really cool! I am proud of you, too!! Keep up the good work!


Kim H.
on 6/24/11 8:54 am - Duluth, MN
Are you back from Vegas yet? How hot is it there? We go there a week from today..excited..but nervous..


Tom C.
on 6/24/11 9:11 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Yes I am back from Vegas. It was ok, not really my scene. It wasn't too hot, but the last 3 days it hit past 100.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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