
NSV already?? I think YES!!

Chelsea D.
on 6/15/11 7:08 am
Okay so I live in a small town where nothing interesting ever happens. Well, we just got a new WALMART(we already had one but they built a new super center) and of course I just HAD to go on the first day it was open. But boy am I glad I did!! I had seen a bathing suit top at a different walmart that I fell in love with but didn't have my size. Actually, even if they did have it I've NEVER been able to wear bathing suits from there because of the way I am built, I wear the same size in their clothes but the bathing suits never fit. So anyway, I bought it. I figured I would be able to wear it about 25 pounds from now so I should get to use it before the end of summer.

But guess what!!!!!!! I got it home and put it on and............................

IT FITS!!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)

I'm soooo excited!! So I guess it was meant to be for me to go today, because it was the last one they had!! =)

Okay sorry just HAD to share. And as much as I wanted it, now I'm so ready for it to be TOO BIG!!! Lol
on 6/15/11 9:18 am

Chelsea, that is awesome to hear.  Doesn't that make you feel great.  You may not wear it too long before you have to purchase another one that fits better.  I believe the feeling that you are experiencing with the suit is one of the wonderful benefits of the surgery.  The health benefits are wonderful too, but just feeling like "normal" people, if there is any normal in this wold, and being able to buy clothes off the rack is a great feeling.  Again, congrats.

Kim H.
on 6/15/11 12:59 pm - Duluth, MN
I am happy for you. I bought one the other day at Sam's Club, because the other one I had was WAAAAAY too big. Well, I brought it home and realized I needed a BIGGER size(one size bigger)..but, that 's ok. I need it cuz my husband and I are going to Vegas to see his family on July1st for 2 weeks.
But enough about me. That is very cool Chelsea, and I feel the same, waiting for things to be too big.


Chelsea D.
on 6/16/11 4:31 am
Thanks ladies!! And congrats Kim!! That is great!!! Who cares if you need a larger size...it won't be as large as the one that's too big now!!! LOL.
Kim H.
on 6/16/11 2:00 pm - Duluth, MN
very true..I did not look at it that way..thank you for the new perspective....I tend to be too hard on myself..right, fellow bandsters?? lol


Kim H.
on 6/18/11 9:04 pm - Duluth, MN
can you remind me what NSV means? I know Tom told me once but I have a short memory. lol


Tom C.
on 6/18/11 10:37 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Tom C.
on 6/16/11 9:59 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
FANTASTIC NEWS!!! Shout it from the mountain top!! 

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Chelsea D.
on 6/17/11 6:50 am
Kim, we are our own worst critic that's for sure! I understand completely. It was so funny I've lost 27 pounds since may 31st and compaining that I couldn't tell it...well yesterday I went by my work and I wore the outfit that I wore the day before starting liquids. Last time I wore it, it was TIGHT...the capris were super tight(had to suck it in to zip/button) and the top just barely fit over my hips....well yesterday, the pants were wayyy loose and the top fit like it should. And until that happened I SWORE the scales were lying to me!!! =)

Thanks Tom! I'm gonna shout it from the ocean when I wear it at the beach at the end of the month lol!!
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