
Is this possible??

on 6/13/11 11:24 am
Good evening all,
  I had my first fill last Friday.  My doc set a goal of 6lbs for me to lose by July 8th.  I can't believe that I am setting these goals with my doc and they may actually happen.  I did lose 20lbs after my surgery on the 3rd of May so I can realistically see this happening.  I am just trying to take it all in and want to know does anyone else have this feeling of disbelief?  I am so excited about every day and what achieving certain goals.  I am working out more and just so tickled about my journey.  I just wanted to share this feeling with you guys.  Thanks.
crystal M.
on 6/13/11 11:34 am - Joliet, IL
My weight loss didn't really kick in till after I started to exercise.  The first month I exercised I was very excited to see I lost 16 lbs!!!  It is very exciting!!! Enjoy your journey...it's lots of work but worth it!!!
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