
Pre-Op Diet day 7--Surgery on June 8th

Chelsea D.
on 6/5/11 10:27 am
Can't believe I've survived a week of my pre-op diet!!! I had a hard time the first 3 days, as a matter of fact my 3rd day was also my full day of pre-op appointments. Upper GI, Chest xray, nurtritionist, coordinator, NP, etc. That was the WORST day of my life I do believe. BUT they told me that day that I could have a piece of chicken or fish each day and so that has made the rest of the time more tolerable. I didn't want to but I was having such a hard time getting my protein drinks down that I figured I better do something. So I have liquids all day and a piece of chicken for dinner and I'm actually satisfied with that. I have lost between 13 and 15 pounds depending on which scale I go by(my home scales weigh me less than my work/doctors scales do). Not too shabby for a week!!! =)

I am starting to get really nervous/scared. Not because of the type of surgery just because of the surgery in general, and being put to sleep. It's scary. But I know that I am fully prepared for the things that must take place afterward and I will be successful no matter what. Just gotta get through Wednesday and all will be good!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/6/11 2:47 am - KY
Adjustable Gastric Band on 05/26/11
good luck with everything! it is scary but the odds are on your side. let us know how you are doing when you begin sitting on the losers bench.
on 6/6/11 9:34 am
Good luck Chelsea,
  Everything will go well.  It is normal to be nervous about surgery.  My doctor always told me that if I was not nervous, he would think something was wrong with me. LOL.  Let us know how everything goes.  Take care Chelsea.
Amy B.
on 6/7/11 11:01 am
 Hi Chelsea,

You will do awesome !!! Dr. Cox and the entire staff will take very good care of you. Please let me know if you need anything. I'm going to send a PM with my contact info. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything. It's nice to know there's someone on here who has the same surgeon :D

One day at a time.  
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