

Chelsea D.
on 5/16/11 12:24 am
Well I got sick of waiting and called the insurance company on Friday afternoon and was told that my surgery HAS BEEN APROVED!!!! BUT the doctors office doesn't have it in writing yet so I'm still waiting for a date. I'm SICK of waiting. Work is on my back about it because I'm gonna need 4 weeks off...and they/I have to make sure there is someone covering for me even though we have no extra people thanks to "budgets". It's VERY nerve wracking.

I did decide to go to my favorite vacation spot one last time before surgery. So I packed up Friday evening after work and drove to Pigeon Forge, TN...even took my parents along(because I'm such a wonderful daughter). It was exactly what I needed right now to kinda get my mind off the waiting game that the office/insurance company is making me play. I called it my "Last Fat Trip"...as I don't plan on going bac****il I've lost AT LEAST 50 pounds!!! =)

Sorry I just needed to vent. I'm sure I'll be posting a surgery date very soon!! Lol.
Tom C.
on 5/16/11 1:29 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Call the Insurance company back, get the name of the person you're speaking to (you may want to politely ask to speak to a manager), get the CONFIRMATION INFORMATION INCLUDING CONFIRMATION NUMBER. Call your Doctor back with all this information.


As for taking four weeks, while I think great, and I’m all for it – you may want tell your job that you’re willing to come back earlier, and maybe work a modified day until you’re 100%.


FOR ME, I could have went back to work in 2 day – but took two weeks because I knew I needed to learn the routine (something I never had) in order to be successful. The 3rd week I worked 2 hours the first two days, 4 hours the 3rd day, 6 hours the 4th day, 8 hours the last day. The following week I worked a full 8 hours per day, but “took it easy" at the job. I kinda milked it for a bit because I was truly scared about a complication, but my job was wonderful and understanding.


Good luck, and can’t wait to know the exact date!! This way I can finish your place on the Losers’ Bench in our Winners’ Circle.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Chelsea D.
on 5/16/11 1:43 am
I'm going to give them until about 3 oclock and then start making phone calls.

As for my job, I can't go back any sooner than my surgeon will allow me to lift 50+ pounds is what I'm being told because there is no "light duty" for my job. I'm an x-ray tech...most of my job is lifting,pulling,sliding and turning patients, most of which are dead weight as I very rarely get "walkie talkie outpatients in my hospital". Though I can always get help with those parts the problem comes when I am alone with a patient and they fall or whatnot and I have to catch them, then I'm screwed. If i let them fall to the ground and they are badly injured it could be blamed on me. I asked at my consultation what my surgeon thought about going back, he asked what I did, and said "Ohhh so you move patients a lot i bet?" I replied yes and he said that 4 weeks would be good and that I would not be allowed to lift more than 30 pounds that first month.

My manager is VERY understanding as she just had RNY last month, BUT she had complications and isn't back to work yet and HER manager isn't the most understanding. Though he did say that he wouldn't expect me back any sooner than what my doctor allowed and if that's 4 weeks then so be it...he seems to believe that I should put it off until it's convenient for the department. So the sooner I have a date the better of I will be. I've already threatened to take a day off, have surgery and call and say sorry doctor put me out for a month!! Lol. I wouldn't do that but it's sooooo tempting!!! =)
Tom C.
on 5/17/11 4:26 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

I didn't know what type of job you had, and in that case I would take 4 weeks. Heck, I may even take 4 months !!

A little off Topic - don't you love JOBS (any job) that expects workers to put the "job's needs" before their own. But when push comes to shove, the job will put "their needs" before the employees. .. OK, I am off my soap-box. I return you to your regularly scheduled postings.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Chelsea D.
on 5/17/11 5:08 am
Yes I TOTALLY agree with you about JOBS like that!! I'm soooo nervous about turning my FMLA/short term disability forms to my boss. Afraid he'll say I can't be off. Is that possible? I don't even know.

BUT!!! On the plus side!!! I got a surgery date!!! June 8th!!! YAY!!!! I'm super excited!!!
Tom C.
on 5/17/11 9:27 am, edited 5/17/11 7:03 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I am unsure how legal it would be if your boss said you can't do it. Do you have a union?

On the plus side, can't wait until you're officially on the MINUS side!! CONGRATS!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Chelsea D.
on 5/18/11 12:26 am
Nope, no union. I doubt he would try to say I couldnt but I'm just a bit paranoid!! I know it's all going to work out...because if not I wouldn't have even got approved. It's MY time and it's gonna be great!!
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