Have not had a fill yet, but food is getting stuck...
on 5/10/11 4:37 am
I had my surgery almost 2 months ago, but have not had a fill yet - it's scheduled for tomorrow. However, from time to time I still have food stuck, which manifests itself in pain and spasms in esophagus area. Up until yesterday it was happening quite rarely, I think mostly when I was eating too fast. However, since yesterday I had food stuck 3 times already, and it was soft food, like scrambled eggs...
Has anybody experience anything like that? Is it normal to have esophagus pain/spasms?
Thank you!
Here are some reasons you can be getting stuck
(1) Eating to fast. I would suggest waiting one full minute between putting another peice of food in your mouth
(2) The size of the food is too big. Before putting a peice of food in your mouth ask yourself "would I give this to a baby" (and yes, I mean HUMAN baby and not elephant)
(3) Are you chewing the food at least 30 times before swallowing? The food should feel like baby-food consistence before swallowing
(4) Is the food moist enough? Dry foods will get stuck easier
(5) Is the food fibrous? This is an issue with newbies
(6) Is the food too doughy? Bread type of food can be difficult unless cooked really well (aka - BURNT)
(7) Dehydration!! While we shouldn’t drink and eat at the same time, if you haven’t taken your allotment of fluids in during the day, your stomach will swell if it’s dehydrated. Make sure you drink when you’re suppose to.
(8) Nerves!! Nerves can cause your stomach to tighten, hence causing the band to be even more tight allowing less food through.
Hope this was helpful. Let us know what your Doctor says.
“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight” The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet