
Back Pain/Chest/Headaches?

on 5/4/11 11:27 pm
Just this past week, I have noticed after I eat sometimes I get severe back/chest pain that gets real bad and then a headach comes like a migrane.

it centers like a band around the middle of my back and goes around my front, at first i thought it was my  bra that was too tight, but not that.

my head felt like it was gonna explode.

it sent me to the er, but not heart.  Today they are going to see if the band slipped.

has anyone ever had this ?

It has really stopped me cold in my tracks and there is almost a constant ache in my back.

    Sunshine Girl


Kim H.
on 5/5/11 2:02 am - Duluth, MN
I, personally noticed I was having terrible headaches, right before I was put in the hospital a couple weeks ago for dehydration. I was told that dehydration does cause headaches, so now when I feel a headache coming on, it is my cue to drink, drink, drink!!
I hope you feel better soon and get some answers.


on 5/5/11 3:29 pm
Hi Kim:
thank you for your response.
you may be very right there.
Thanks again,
hope you have a good week!

    Sunshine Girl


Tom C.
on 5/5/11 3:47 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

As Kim stated it could be you're not drinking enough. See what your Doctor says, and let us know.

We're praying for you!!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 5/5/11 3:27 pm
oh, thank you so much.
yes, you may be right not enough to drink.
and thank for your prayers.

I said one today, have to do more of that.

Thank you again for your response and I hope you have a very good evening/day.

Kind Regards,

    Sunshine Girl


Nic M
on 5/5/11 7:25 am, edited 5/5/11 7:29 am
Hi Deborah,

It's most likely your band irritating the Vagus nerve system.  When the diaphragam gets irritated, it refers the pain to the shoulder, neck, head and sometimes the back.   The vagus nerve exits the brainstem through the jugular foramen of the skull and follows the carotid artery down to the esophagus where it courses along the esophagus through the diaphragm. 

Here is another board where the people are speaking of the chest and shoulder pain. It's quite prevalent with banding. Just by the band being there, it can irritate the diaphragm.


It seems like doctors always check the heart first and then decide it's orthopedic in nature. Experienced bariatric docs are starting to let people know about the occurence of left shoulder pain with gastric banding, so hopefully it will become more well known. That way, people can skip the expensive, useless tests and can determine if it's Vagus nerve related.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 5/5/11 3:25 pm
thank you so much!

I believe you are right on the money!

my band was found to be a-ok today.  wierd, but I have appts with both the primary and the surgeon's office next week.
I am going to print out your response for a reminder to me and look this up some more.

today was better, but I didn't eat so much, I have been drinking lots of protein shakes, crackers and stuff I know will be ok.
Nice to be pain free.

thank you again for your info, for a moment or two-I started to feel like maybe I was the one that was nuts.

    Sunshine Girl


Kim H.
on 5/5/11 9:32 pm - Duluth, MN
Just remember...to drink AT LEAST 64 ounces of fluid every day! I found out the hard way what happens when one does NOT do that!


Katie Keane in New

on 5/7/11 2:48 am - NY
Hi N.M.
\Just read your posting about the shoulder pain.  Is there a process or procedure that can eliminate this that you have come across?   Does exercise seem to hinder or help in what you have read.   I'm on pain meds for it, and don't want to do this the rest of my life. Got banded 2 weeks Wed., going great except for that.
I'm not asking you for medical advice , I thought your answer was interesting, and will ask my DR. about it.
Talk again, Katie in New York

Katie Keane
Nic M
on 5/8/11 2:39 am
Hi Katie,

Since you're only a couple of weeks out from surgery, there's a good chance that you're still experiencing residual gas pains. If it continues, though, there's a better than average chance that it's the band irritating the diaphragm and/or the Vagus nerve system. Some people with bands have the left shoulder pain for only a little while after surgery, while others (like me) have it the entire time the band is there.

Have you tried walking as much as is comfortable for you? Walking helps dissipate the residual gas more than anything, from what I've heard.

No pain medication helped with mine, unfortunately... and I was on the hardcore stuff... fentanyl and morphine! That's when you know it's more than "just gas" causing the pain. So, if the referred pain lasts longer than a few weeks, definitely speak to your doctor about it.

I found that applying heat to the upper portion of the abdomen worked best to alleviate at least some of the pain. I would use a heating pad, ho****er bottle or even those peel and stick heat pads.

I'm really thinking that since you're so newly post op, your pain will dissipate soon. I know it's irritating in the interim, though! 

I have a friend who also had lingering left shoulder pain with her band and she swore that lying on one of those big exercise balls on her back and stretching as far as she could helped relieve the pain. I suppose it pulled the stomach further away from the diaphragm (just by a centimeter could help, I'd imagine!) 

Good luck, Katie and I hope the pain goes away completely really soon.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


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