

Amy B.
on 4/28/11 11:08 pm
I have been a member at the YMCA for a lot of years, but haven't really "worked out" for the past 10. We've basically used our membership for the pool and kid's sports. Yesterday, my friend and I went for our first "training' session. We get 3 free, but I may extend it for awhile depending on how much it costs. Anyway, we only did cardio: 12 minutes on the treadmill, 12 minutes on the eliptical, and 12 minutes on the bike. I also pruned 3 giant trees in my yard and lead an hour dance session after the workout. Let's just say...I AM SORE BEYOND BELIEF!!! I knew that once I started the machines, I would be sore, but really? Cardio??? Anyway, I feel great and I know it will get much better with time. We are planning on going again today just by ourselves. Our next appointment is for Tuesday where we learn the toning machines .
One day at a time.  
crystal M.
on 4/29/11 2:23 am - Joliet, IL
Oh this is too funny they were just talking about this very subject on the exercise board.  How the body reacts to exercise at first and why it hurts.  It's actually very interesting you should check out the posting...there's an article that was posted. 

I was sooooo very sore when I first exercised and each new weight machine I tried would hurt those muscles for a few days.  So whether it was the biceps or the quadriceps or whatever...I was sore.  My legs and lower back were sore from the treadmill and also the area between my shoulder blades (from swinging my arms back and forth). 

Needless to say tylenol and Icy-Hot was my best friend for awhile.  But now I don't really get sore at all anymore.  So it gets better.  I have to tell you since I started to workout the weight just melted off me.  If it stalls at first or you don't see results right away, don't get discouraged.  It is normal for your body to retain water when you first workout because it's repairing all of the muscles.  So results may take a more than a week or two to start showing.  I also noticed that since I do the weight training that my weight loss has slowed down but I am still dropping sizes quickly.  Because as I am working out I am replacing all of my blubbery fat with nice lean muscle which takes up less space in my pants...hahaha. 
Amy B.
on 5/2/11 6:57 am
 Thank you!!! The icy hot is wonderful 
One day at a time.  
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