

on 4/21/11 12:32 am - Harrison, OH
I am about to really give up!  I cant loose anymore weight no matter how hard I try.  My band is almost full and I started gaining weight!  I really need some help and someone to talk to.  No one understands how I feel because no one I know has the band.  can anyone help me?
Tom C.
on 4/21/11 2:27 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Know I am here to help in any way I can. Now a little tough love – are you following ALL THE RULES? Not some of the time, but MOST of the time (I know honestly it can’t be ALL of the time?) If you’re not, that could be the issue .. with that said ..


Over the years I have collected some common “rules" one should follow in order to be successful. So far I am up to 25+ “universal set of laws" one should heed during their journey.


I would love to see this list grow, so please feel free to add to it. Maybe one day this will be adopted as the Constitution of Gastric Success!! :D


(1) Get your daily Protein requirements in (60 – 80 grams – your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different target amount – so follow their recommendation). Protein requirements change over time (depending upon weight loss stage, amount of exercise, hospitalization, etc). Check with your Doctor/Nutritionist concerning your protein needs.

(2) Protein drinks should be: between 20 and 30 grams of protein per serving (25 is recommended), contain less than 150 calories (110 recommended) contain less than 10 grams of carbohydrates (5 is recommended) (your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different rules – so follow their recommendation).

(3) Remember eat: Protein first, then fiber (ex veggies/fruits) then (if there is room) good (NON-starchy) carbohydrates.


(4) Drink at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated/non-caffeinated liquid.


(5) No drinking while eating and/or 30 minutes before and/or after meals (your Doctor/Nutritionist may have different rules – so follow their recommendation)


(6) You must east to lose weight!! Yes I know this a strange concept but if you don’t, your body will go into “starvation mode" and “store all it can".


(7) Each meal should take at least 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Studies show it takes this long for your stomach to tell your brain it’s full – no matter how much food is in it.


(8) Eat at the same time everyday

(9) Eat until you are full, not stuffed

(10) Wait 30 to 60 seconds between putting another piece food in your mouth


(11) Make sure foods (especially meats) are moist


(12) Before you put that piece in your mouth, ask yourself “Would I give this size to a baby?"


(13) Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew- Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew-Chew (at least 30 times, or until it feels like baby food consistency)


(14) Take your vitamins !!


(15) Remember, during the operation they put the tool around your stomach, and not your brain. So, you will need to do some self control.

(16) Exercise – begin slow (example walk; climbing a flight of stairs; park in the furthest spot in the lot) and then gradually increase. My suggestion do two days; rest a day; do two days; rest a day; do two days


(17) If you feel like “snacking" do something else (ex. Go outside; call a (WLS) friend; come to the board and post, etc)


(18) Participate in a support group!!! It is a fact that those who attend supports groups have increased weight loss long term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(19) ok .. a little gross and try to figure out what I am saying .. What you think may be a “GAS" may come out as a “Liquid" or “Solid" .. so BE CAREFUL and BE PREPARED !!


(20) Remember to speak to your Doctor/Nutritionist regularly. 


(21) Speak to your Psychiatrist/Psychologist at least twice a year, especially when the “honeymoon" stage is  over.


(22) Keep your surgeon appointments.


(23) At specified intervals, get your blood-work done. Check with your Doctor.


(24) Shop the perimeter of the supermarkets.


(25) If you can’t pronounce the ingredients – don’t buy it!!


How many did you answer yes to (ok, you don’t really need to tell me).


Now this is out of the way, feel free to come back and ask more questions. As I said, I am here to help. If you want, send me a personal message and I will give you my contact information.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
crystal M.
on 4/21/11 3:02 am - Joliet, IL
I know it's hard to follow the rules when your band isn't helping much.  I went about 12-15 months of fills before I got the restriction I needed.  I am 9.9 cc's now. 

Tom as always has great advice.  He mentioned exercise and I want to emphasize how important this aspect has been in my weight loss journey...without it I wouldn't have been successful.  My first year I lost maybe 45-50 lbs...I am now at 140 lbs lost!!!  You can always turn your bad situation around...I did.   
I started my workouts I started out small and added a little more each week.  Now I workout 6 days a week, 90 minutes a day.  My workout includes  cardio, weight lifting and stretching.  I have now progressed enough that I am now starting to train for my first 5K.  I have only been exercising for 8 months and when I started I barely was able to walk 20 minutes without sweating profusely.  Now I am running!!!  I'm still sweating though!!!  Most importantly I have dropped weight like crazy.  The first month I dropped 16 lbs!!!  When you start losing weight like that it is so easy to be motivated.  Motivated to follow the band rules, motivated to workout, motivated to incorporate other healthy habits in your life...like I make all my meals now.  No more process frozen, prepackage canned stuff.  Only organic fresh foods made in my kitchen.  I can control the salt and fat content. 

Here is an article I have showing to people.  It's about the importance of weightlifting and how it will help you lose lots of weight.

Of course know that we are all here for you and we are all fighting the same fight. 
on 4/21/11 1:52 pm - Vancouver, WA
I understand your frustration, I'm 3 yrs out and have lost all of 20 lbs. Now I admit for the last year I haven't even tried none the less my band has kept me from gaining and did restrict how much I could eat. I finally had it completely emptied because it kept tightening up. First like Tom said be honest are you following what you are to do. If so have they checked to see if your band has a leak? That has happened to some folks. If neither of those are going on you just may be one of the 20% of people who just can't tolerate the band. There are many of us who just had no success no mattrer what we did. In that case you may need to consider a revision. Look at the revision board there are lots of bandsters there. I wish you luck!
Amy B.
on 4/22/11 11:11 pm
 I can't really help as I'm only 2 months out, but I have learned that Tom is the man with the answers. Everything he's told me has been right on, so whatever he says, I try to do 
Kim H.
on 4/24/11 3:11 am - Duluth, MN
I agree with you all about Tom! He truly is the Band Answer Man! He , as well as many others on OH, have been of great help tome. I made it today through our church Egg Bake Easter Breakfast (small portions and no muffin!), now my husband and I are going to celebrate with my family, so, I will be facing really the first "big deal meal"(as I called it in a former post lol). There will be many people there, so, much conversation , which will help me to eat slowly and not be too obvious. Happy Easter, everyone!


on 4/24/11 10:33 am - Harrison, OH
Thank y'all so much.  I need to buckle down and get back on track.    I am printing out the "laws" and hanging them in my kitcen and at my desk at work.  And thanks for the support, I really needed advice from those who have been in my shoes!
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