
Hello, New from FL

on 4/12/11 5:01 am - FL
I have been browsing forums all morning and decided to join this one and say hello!  I just started my liquid diet phase yesterday and will be having my band put in next Monday the 18th.  I am excited and terrified all rolled into one.  I know this is the best decision for me, but I have never had surgery of any kind so it makes me scared since I have no idea what to expect when I walk in the door.  I started seeing my surgeon in early January and his nutritionist.  I was 293 pounds at the start and following their guidelines on slowly easing me into learning how to live properly and how I have to live after the band I was 270 pounds yesterday when I started my liquids!  I am amazed at the differences.  I can now see the difference but the most important thing to me is that I FEEL better.  My only complaint at the moment is that this liquid thing sucks badly.  I feel all fuzzy in my head.  I normally run around and take care of a house/yard/home school my kids and much more with no problems, but today I am all bleh and not wanting to do much of anything.  I hope it gets better, but somehow doubt it.  I just want it done and over so I can move forward and become who I want to be...ME!  I hope to make some great friends here and I love so many of the posts already. 

Kim H.
on 4/12/11 6:04 am - Duluth, MN
Welcome Jenn! I had my surgery about 6 weeks ago, and I can tell you, yes it gets better. My surgeon gave us more liquid protein options than some do, so I did not mind the liquid phase. (In fact I wish I could do that phase again... like permanently lol. I need to get a second fill this week because my first one 2 weeks ago did not seem to be enough). I know this was the best decision for me. I liked it too that the weight seemed to just fall off during the liquid phase. I want it to ALL be gone NOW , but that is not possible and I am doing so much better physically than before. I am able to walk farther, stand longer, and just FEEL better. The biggest change for me is that I like me better.Come back often and see what people are talking about. I have learned so much from this forum! I love it in here. All the people are great!! Hang in there!


on 4/14/11 4:16 am
Hi Jenn, I just read your message, It will get better I promise, Doctor Bass is the best, I had my band a year ago and it was the best thing that I ever did. I have lost 67 lbs and feel great. I am at my goal weight and now I need to see Marissa for a maintaince plan. Join in the support groups they are wonderful and the cooking classes will help. Maybe I will see you there. Carol
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