
Sad today

Amy B.
on 4/10/11 2:26 am
 I'm not sure what's going on, but I just can't be happy today...
Tom C.
on 4/10/11 2:54 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

This is normal. Of course everyone has good and bad days. It could also be from lack of food (protein). It's funny how food can affect our feelings.

Here's something you can try. Think where you were when you began this journey, and to where you are now. Hopefully that will make you feel better.

Also know there are people on this board who support you, and are also learning from your experiences. You rock !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Amy B.
on 4/10/11 3:23 am
 Thanks, Tom. I actually do feel a little better. I think part of the problem is not lack of food, but too much. I just can't seem to get satisfied no matter how much I eat. And I am eating pretty much all protein with very few carb. As I stated in my earlier post, it seems like even he smallest portion of carbs makes me gain. Let me ask you what you think about this: I had my first fill two weeks ago tomorrow. Here is how my weight has gone since then: 200, 200, 198, 197, 195, 196, 197, 197, 195, 194, 193, 193, 192, 193, 192, 191, 191, 192, 192, 192, 192. You know writing it down and looking at the big picture here looks a lot better than I thought. Actually, this means I've lost 8 lbs. in 2 weeks (woo hoo!). I thking it's just the fluctuating up and down between 191 and 192 over the past week that makes me frustrated. My doctor said when this happens it may be time for another adjustment, but since I just had one 2 weeks ago, I'm wondering if I should call them. Any thoughts on that? 
Tom C.
on 4/10/11 3:54 am, edited 4/10/11 4:18 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Some of us (me include) believe scales should be used only for fish or piano ... However, many others like to weight themselves regularly. They feel it helps keep them on track.

Don't let the scale ruin your victories. Remember, weight WILL fluctuate. It depends on the DAY, the TIME OF DAY, and what’s going on “physically". If it’s T.O.M. (no not me). During THAT time you can be a “little heavier" because of water. It also depends on the scale you're using (how many are actually calibrated correctly). Or you may have indeed eaten more then you should have. So what. Just get back on track. Naturally thin people do this all the time.

This why I hate “the scale". There are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.

Another food for thought (pun INTENDED) – remember there are 365 days in a year. If you're good for 90% of time, that leaves 10% to be “off". Which works out to 36.5 days in the year. Which is about 3 days a month. Now don't think I am giving you the OK to go off, but don't beat yourself up if you do. Remember this is a loooonnnnnggggg battle. As long as the good days out number the not-so-good days, you'll win in the end.

My suggestion, if you want to weigh yourself – do it once a month. If you need more, then once a week. I wouldn't do it everyday – but again, we'll all different.

Know I am here for ya!! And I think you're doing FANTASTIC!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Mary A.
on 4/10/11 4:44 am
Hi Amy,

Tom is absolutely right, and my doctor told me the same  - don't weight yourself every day, do it once a week.  And I should do as I preach :-), but unfortunately, I am like you and have been weighting myself daily and getting quite upset with the up and down fluctuations - very similar to yours...  However, again, my doctor told me that it's absolutely normal, and, BTW, you've lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks - this is great!!!!  How much did you lose altogether?

So, I am going to switch to weighting myself once a week, on the same day of the week, at the same time of the day - in the morning, BEFORE I have any food or drink... Maybe you can try this as well?

Good luck to you!

Kim H.
on 4/10/11 5:18 am - Duluth, MN
I have to agree with Tom here, too! Weighing yourself every day will get you nowhere. As women our weigh fluctuates due to water retention at any given moment. (I don't know. do MEN retain water, too?)I was told to weigh myself only once a week, if that, because I get too hung up on the number. I was feeling a bit "chubby" today, but I got so much great feedback at church that I forgot all about it. Know we are here for you cheering your victories right along with you!! Keep your chin up!


on 4/12/11 6:39 am - FAIR LAWN, NJ
Take out a before picture and pat yourself on the back!!
Amy B.
on 4/12/11 11:34 am
 Done! Thanks, Michelle.
on 4/12/11 1:05 pm
 I had my surgery on 4/5 (Realize Band), and I am just now starting to feel ok, I had a bad day about 2 days ago where I just woke up hysterical in tears at 4am claiming "I don't wanna do this, I can't figure this band out, I'm frustrated and tired of feeling crappy." I took my pain meds from the surgery which knocked me out and in the morning I just felt better, like, " I CAN do this" , I know there will be more bad days, but once I realized that after a week I'm already down 13 lbs, it gave me a little hope. It's nice to know we aren't alone on this journey and I hope you feel better soon 
~J. Cruz~     
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