
New but not really...

Chelsea D.
on 4/7/11 10:47 am
I posted this in the Lap Band forum but seeing as how I'm not sure if I will get getting Lap- or Realize- Band I figured I'd say hello here as well!!! =)

'Hi!! My name is Chelsea and I am technically new to OH, although I have been reading the boards for a month or more. I finally created an account and decided I would say hello before I started replying to posts. I am 23 years old and hoping to the banded in May or June this year. I have basically all my pre-op stuff done now just waiting to meet with the surgeon(they make you go through psych, etc before a consultation in order to be certain you are a candidate for surgery).

In February I had a consultation with a surgeon who made me mad, so mad that I cried, and that takes a lot. He basically said I am too fat for the Band. Now don't get me wrong, I am fully willing to listen to my surgeon if he feels as though the Band is not the right choice for me but the way this particular dr went about it just rubbed me the wrong way and I decided right then and there that I would not be successful if I didn't have a supportive surgeon. So I left his office, and that evening emailed my current surgeon's office about an information session, which ended up being the following monday(that was a friday evening).

I feel good about this one. He did my best friends band 2.5 years ago and he was also the dr at the information session that I attended for this practice. At that session I felt as though he was speaking to me...He said "Some people ask me why I would want to do surgery on 21-22 year olds who have no health problems, the answer is simple...to KEEP THEM HEALTHY"...I was the only person there under the age of 40. =)

I am so excited to start this new journey. I know it's going to take work and and I am ready for it! I have the support and I've done a ton of research. I have a good bit of weight to lose but it it takes me a couple of years, well that's ok...I have the time!!
Tom C.
on 4/7/11 12:13 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Chelsea, WELCOME!! Glad to see we'll soon have another addition on the Loser's Bench in our Winner's Circle. We're in the process of prepping it up for ya.

Know it doesn't matter which band you chose, or if you decide on another bariatric procedure. Know we'll be here for you to support you, and guide the best way we can.

Be prepared for some up and downs before the operation, and after. Know it all works out in the end.

Come back - post often :D
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Kim H.
on 4/7/11 11:15 pm - Duluth, MN
Welcome Chelsea! I found this forum to be the BEST one, hopefully you will like it here. We are all on your side! And we are here for you!


Amy B.
on 4/8/11 11:56 am
 Chelsea, you made a great decision by going with your instinct. So many people would just have the surgery and not research other options. The difference with a lot of surgeries and bariatric surgery is that bariatric requires follow up for the rest of your life. It is SO important to "like" your doctor. Good for you and welcome!
One day at a time.  
Chelsea D.
on 4/10/11 8:11 am
Thanks ya'll! I'm super excited but getting a little frustrated with the waiting. I ended up having to do another psych eval because my first one was with a counselor instead of a psychologist. I was SUPPOSED to have that yesterday but the doc went outta town so I have to wait til the 16th. Which is just putting my consult with the surgeon off even longer. And there's been some miscommunication with some of the surgeon's staff. I was ready to give up all together friday...thank God for girl's night out(pedi's and dinner) with my BFF who had the band almost 3 years ago! I'm in a much better state of mind now!
Tom C.
on 4/10/11 9:55 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
The approval process is much like our weight loss journey - there will be bumps in the road - but in the end it all works out.

Have patience!! Good things comes to those who wait :D
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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