
Radiology Fill?

on 4/6/11 2:11 am
Has anyone had a "radiology fill" (probably not the technical name of the procedure)? 

From my understanding it is where someone in radiology completely tightens the band and has the patient drink some sort of liquid and then withdraws fluid from the port to open the band up to where it "should be" (i.e. tight enough to restrict food intake but loose enough to allow food to go through).  They can tell when this happens by seeing the liquid the patient has drank showing on the xray flowing through.

The reason I ask is is I am scheduled for this procedure this Friday.  I received my band last August and while I have been successful in losing 68 pounds... I have not felt restricted in eating (I can pretty much each anything I want) even though I have had multiple fills and am currently at 10ccs.  I have only had a couple of episodes where I vomited which each time was because I ate too fast and didn't chew enough.

Would love to hear from anyone who has had this done.
on 4/6/11 2:52 am
Hi, I had my band filled this way this past Monday.   The procedure wasn't any different then a fill in the doctor's office.  You just get to stand in front of an xray machine and drink some barium and watch how it all works.  Kind of cool
Although, for me, I think they filled it a bit too much this time.  It's been challenging eating.  I had my surgery in December and haven't lost much weight, so I'm kind of embracing the discomfort at the moment.

on 4/6/11 4:10 am
Thanks for replying.  I am excited now. 
Tom C.
on 4/6/11 3:28 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

There are two way Doctors do fills (1) under fluoroscope (x-ray and barium drink), (2) Blind.


When done under x-ray the Doctor can “see" exactly how ‘tight’ the band is, compared of a Doctor who puts in .5 cc in at a time. IMHO, while the fluoroscope method may be more expensive INITIALLY, fluoroscope is a better way of gauging a fill compared to blind (a.k.a. Poke and Hope). In the end, fluoroscope fills may be cheaper because it takes fewer visits to get to the “sweet" spot with fluoroscope then blindly.

Example: Maybe it will cost $300.00 to do a fill under fluoroscope, compared to $125.00 “blindly". However, it may take 3–4 “blind" fills to get the same restriction result as one fluoroscope fill.


Hope this helped.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
crystal M.
on 4/6/11 5:08 am - Joliet, IL
I have always gotten my fills under fluoroscope.  I don't have to go to radiology or have a radiologist do it.  My Surgeon does them in his office.  I prefer it this way because it's more exact and they can see the postion of your band and see how that looks.  So after every appointment I always know my band is in the perfect position and everything is good...and I know that I'm getting a fill tailored to how I reacted to the barium swallow. 
on 4/6/11 6:44 am
Thanks for replying... it is so funny how each doc does things differently.  I am excited about having this fill done under the fluoroscope because of the reasons you stated.... postion of the band, etc.  Yahoo! 
Kim H.
on 4/6/11 8:15 am - Duluth, MN
that sounds kinda cool, in a way..then you get to see the band inside you, too...not sure if I will ever have mine done that way, but then again I have only had one fill so far. Good topic


Stephanie M.
on 4/7/11 6:26 am
Mine are done in Radiology, under flouroscope.  No barium, though...just helps them find the port and avoid damaging it.  I lie down on my right side with a bolster behind me and the port is accessable.  All fluid is removed and measured, to check for leaks, and then the new amount is put in...I sit up, drink 6 oz of water and it is done.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Kate -True Brit
on 4/9/11 4:44 am - UK

It depends on the doc. Mine will only do it if there is a problem. His view is that although the amount of radiation is small, it should be avoided unless essential. Having been maintaining for almost 4 years, I get an annual barium swallow to check everything is OK but I never had a fill done that way. And my doc got me to perfect restriction with the first jab of the needle doing it "blind".


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


Amy B.
on 4/9/11 8:34 am
 I'm not sure what the difference is. If it means you have it done in the radiology department and drink the barium, that is how all of mine will be. I did get to see the port and band and it was really cool.
One day at a time.  
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