

Anna H.
on 4/3/11 9:40 pm - Lawrenceville, PA
Well I guess I jinxed myself the other day when I said I wasnt feeling to bad. I 'm thinking that I am in what I have heard is bandster hell. My mouth has the worst taste I have ever had in it. I brush my teeth non stop trying to make it go away. I am so nausoues even taking zofran that I dont know what to do. The gas pains are the worst I have ever felt and I have had a lot of surgeries in my life but none that have done this to me. Each time I breathe I feel like a knife is going thru my lungs. I feel like there is a big knot at the bottom of my throat and it is driving me nuts. I am not usually a complainer but this is awful. Saturday I was so bad I called he dr and he told me it was pretty normal to have all of this. I am now wondering why would I put myself thru this and have to keep reminding my self that it will be worth it in the long run. I am getting my liquids down but at times it is very hard to keep them down. Im hoping in the next week or so it will get better. Kim how is the normal diet going for you? How fantastic to get down to a size 16 so early in your journey gives me something to look forward to. Wheezygirl, Amy and Peggy Ann thank you for your concern and well wishes. Tom you are far from boring to me I love hearing all the information you have to share and besides Im a book reader so No book is boring LOL. Thanks for letting me whine
Tom C.
on 4/3/11 11:39 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Proud to read you called your Doctor. Great move.

Believe me when I say once you're back to your old self, you'll never doubt your decision. And many say "even with all that pain I'd do it again in a heartbeat".  Can't wait to read when you write this.

Good luck on your mending, and know we're here.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Stephanie M.
on 4/4/11 1:12 am
Hi there Anna...sorry you are feeling miserable, but it's not "bandster hell", it's post-op and completely normal and will pass.  You don't say when you had surgery, but I am assuming it was late last week??  Glad you called the doctor and that he says your discomfort is normal...

Some things that help...

Heating pad..put it on the place that hurts (CO2 gas can cause shoulder pain), it really helps the gas to dissipate faster.  I also used it on my incisions for a few minutes (over a towel or blanket) followed by an ice pack for 10 minutes once per hour...increases circulation and healing. 

For the pain while breathing...they must have given you a spirometer and told you to use it every 15 min while awake???  Use it exactly as directed.  During the surgery, your diaphragm can be irritated and since your lungs are on the other side of it, they can get a bit irritated too.  The pain is a sign that you need to be exercising your lungs to work out the stuff that could accumulate and cause infection.  If you don't have a spirometer, cough a few times every 15 min, walk around the house and breath deeply regardless of the discomfort.

Did they repair a hiatal hernia?  That could be another reason your lungs are sore and why you feel a knot in your throat.  Warm liquids are great for soothing that, just go slow.

Follow your doctor's directions exactly and call him again if you don't feel better in the next 24-48 hours.  I had my surgery on a Friday and by Monday I was feeling somewhat human.  I had a large hiatal hernia repair, so what you are describing sounds very familiar.  I have had many surgeries and this one was sort of middle of the road (discomfort wise) so not a shock...I remember my first post-op severe pain event (1978) and how shocked I was how much it hurt.  My brother had lap-band two years ago and had never had surgery and he too was surprised how much it hurt...

I am 10 months out, 61 and disabled (back and knee), don't exercise and have lost 68 lbs (53 post op) and am down from a 24-26 to a 16-18 and my quality of life is so improved.  I love my band and how it has helped me to stay on a balanced food plan.

Hang in there!!  Let us know how you are doing!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 4/4/11 7:45 am - AL
Anna, when was your surgery?  It is very normal to have a lot of gas, and discomfort.  Are you gulping your fluids, using a straw?  That was one of the things the dietician and the doctor told me, do not use a straw, as you will suck in more air.  Are you getting any excercise?  Walking around the yard,  for brief moments at a time will help disapate the gas, plus promote healing faster.  Follow your doctors instructions as well as you can, don't push yourself, but try to do a little something more every day.  Before long, you will have forgotten how much discomfort you had.  I had my surgery almost two years ago...lost approx. 60 lbs.  Still have more to go, but am not giving up.  I am just slower than most at doing big accomplishments! LOL  We all lose at different rates.
Take care and congratulations on taking the first steps to a new you.
on 4/4/11 10:31 am
Anna, I hope you get over these feelings quickly.  I am waiting on approval for my procedure.  I hope I don't feel the way you are feeling,but I am not the procedure will be a smooth one.  Take care of yourself.

on 4/4/11 2:40 pm - Vancouver, WA
GasX and walking also help get the gas moving or lay down and pull your knees up to your chest for a few seconds, it sometimes helps shift the gas around. It will get better!
Anna H.
on 4/4/11 9:50 pm - Lawrenceville, PA
Hello everyone
Thanks for the advice. I am starting to feel a little better. My lungs feel a lot better then yesterday. Steph they never sent me home with anything but I have been taking your advice and doing the coughing. I had been walking about every twenty minutes since I came home and no I have not used a straw at all. I have been following the rules exactly what they told me to do. My surgery was March 30th so I thought I would be over all of this by now. I am having trouble keeping things down and yes I am taking small sips. It is very hard for me to to even swallow  the small amounts. I am hoping it is dued to still being swollen. Sometimes when I swallow  it starts making spit right away and I cant stop it till I cough it all out. I guess its all part of the healing . I go back to the surgeons on Friday so will have to talk to him about all of this unless it gets worse then I will have to call sooner. 
Kim H.
on 4/5/11 9:23 am - Duluth, MN
Hang in there! The advice and suggestions people give on this site is why I come back every day!!
I went to my nutritionist today, for a regular appointment. I was feeling kind of, well, bummed, I guess, cuz I felt like I was not succeeding. But to my surprise, I lost weight again. My problem was that I was still eating "softer" foods and I can eat normal now. I guess I was being too careful. I will be more successful if I am not so careful about the consistency of the food, at least until my next fill. So dinner tonight will be official regular food. The main thing I was doing wrong was I was not having protein every breakfast..that will change starting tomorrow morning! The next time I will see her is in 6 weeks. I go for another "fill" appointment at the end of April.


on 4/7/11 6:54 pm
I had it really rough for about 9 days. I'd do the spitting thing when I drank. Broth and warm tea seemed to help. Hope you feel better soon.
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