
Big Girl on ABC's DWTS? Kirstie Alley Will Dance This Season!

on 3/19/11 8:38 am - Athens, GA

Big Girl on ABC’s DWTS? Kirstie Alley Will Dance This Season!

In a few days Kirstie Alley will dance on the new season of ABC‘s DWTS. Kirstie has struggled with her weight for many years now. Her weight was even the subject of her last two series on tv: Fat Actress and Kirstie Alley’s Big Life.

Dancing With The Stars previously had Marie Osmond on, who was a little overweight, but not to the extent that Kirstie Alley is I don’t think. Marie did an awesome job on there and lost several pounds in the process!

I’m looking forward to seeing Kirstie Alley’s dance performances as well. I think this shows that big can be just as sexy and elegant as skinny!

Kirstie Alley’s ‘Naked’ DWTS Dreams

Originally posted 03/15/2011 02:05 PM

Just how nervous is Kirstie Alley over her Dancing with the Stars debut next week? According to a new Tweet, the level of dread ranks up there with involuntary public nudity.

“Yikes…only seven days away from DWTS…feels a little like that dream of being in high school taking finals u forgot to study for….naked," Alley, 60, Tweeted Monday.

But she might want to tone the nerves down a few notches. After all, she’s already broken through one barrier by impressing her hard-to-please pro partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy.


Chmerkovskiy – who made the top four with Brandy last season – seems slightly more confident than his celeb partner, writing recently that “[Kirstie] is trying really hard to impress me! I must admit………I’m impressed!"
Sara Hammel

Kirstie Alley in People magazine.




on 3/19/11 9:32 am - Vancouver, WA
Oh crud I hate that she's dancing with Maks, he's my favorite, and that means he won't be on for long!She kinda gets on my nerves cause it's like she plays the fat girl to get attention but she really doesn't seem serious about changing her lifestyle, kinda like Carnie Wilson. They play the victim too much for me to want to watch much of them.
on 3/19/11 10:12 am - Athens, GA

In fairness to her........we all know how hard it is to change lifestyles. :-(

What I don't understand is some ppl's reluctance to have WLS that have the resources to have it (her, Oprah, etc.). I mean even if her ins. didn't cover it she could well afford the cost of surgery and recovery time. At least I have never heard her tra**** as I have heard some celebs do!




Stephanie M.
on 3/20/11 12:58 pm
It could just be personal choice for her not to have the surgery.  If she is relatively healthy,despite being obese, she might just leave well enough alone...you never know.  There are some people who, if the public didn't put so much pressure on them would not be perceived as "struggling" with the weight and perhaps feel just fine the way they are.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 3/20/11 2:23 pm - Athens, GA

From interviews I have seen of her in the past it does seem like the weight is an issue for her. However your right, to some ppl they are confident and comfortable at a higher weight. I think this is more applicable to men really. Women tend to stress about their weight more. Men in general are more accepting of it.......or at least that's the way it appears to me.

Anyway..........I applaude her for having the courage to have two shows that she has done that is based on her weight. I Hope Kirstie Alley's Big Life returns for another season. Haven't heard any mention of that though. Also pulling for her on DWTS!




Kim H.
on 3/20/11 5:44 pm - Duluth, MN
What gets me is when people find out I had WLS they all say , well you are not 100 pounds overweight! I tell them that is not a criteria anymore. I depend on your BMI and other health problems due to your weight. I guess I am glad people did not view me as not needing to "lose that much weight", but still...
BTW, I have a question..I just was told I could get off my diabetes medication because my blood sugers were low enough, but, now, just days after being off them, my before bedtime sugars are running what they used to be (140ish)..is this something I should discuss with my doctor? I am kinda freaking out...


Stephanie M.
on 3/20/11 11:51 pm
140 is a bit high, but not terrible, Kim.  I would mention it to your doctor, though.  What are your am fasting bgs running??


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


Kim H.
on 3/22/11 1:20 am - Duluth, MN
My fasting sugars are like 110 or so. I did mention it to my doctor, as you mentioned, and was told that 140 is still in an ok range and it could have been because I had had my bedtime snack prior to (but NOT 2 hrs!) taking my blood sugar. Thanks for replying.


on 3/29/11 9:30 am - Athens, GA

Btw..........has anyone seen Kirsty dance? She's doing a great job! :-)




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