

on 3/11/11 3:02 pm
Have any of you experienced major depression after your surgery? Could it be from a lack of protein or water? Or is it just me?
Amy B.
on 3/11/11 8:06 pm
I was a little weepy yesterday, but haven't been too bad. I'm thinking you might be right about the water. I get sad, angry, who knows what else when I am constipated...which has been a problem so far. Now that I'm drinking more and more water, I'm feeling much better. Hope this helps. 
Kim H.
on 3/11/11 8:18 pm - Duluth, MN
Yup, I have experienced that...just the last couple days and I JUST had the surgery on Feb 28. I got to progress to pureed a week early for nutritional reasons, but I am still feeling hungry. I never feel full. I fear I am gonna gain the weight I have already lost during the 6 month process (25 pounds) and more...I have tried to add extra protein in and I KNOW for a fact I am NOT drinking 64 oz of liquids (which is odd...BEFORE the surgery..for A LONG TIME..water was NEVER a problem for me. I put lemon slices in and and ice and LOVED my water. Now I can not seem to even make myself drink water. So, in my opinion , it is not just you. Personally, I am gla I am not the only one experiencing this. Let's try to get better together. Whaddya say? hahaha


Tammy G.
on 3/12/11 12:23 am - Indian Trail, NC
I had my sugery last year and did experience some depression.  I was told ahead of time this was normal unless it became severe.     I also recall it past pretty quickly.    If you or your those around you don't see it improvement in the next week or two - call your doctor.
Kim H.
on 3/12/11 2:12 am - Duluth, MN
For me personally, I will be seeing everyone on my "team" next week and I can not wait! They will all be getting a tear-filled conversation and MANY questions from me, to be sure, Thanks for the encouragement. That is what I LOVE about OH. If I feel it , there is a big likelihood someone else has gone through the same thing!


on 3/12/11 7:32 am - Vancouver, WA
This is fairly common after any surgery, the anesthesia can bring it on and your hormones go a little berserk with weight loss sometimes. So as long as it passes in a couple of weeks you should be OK, if it lasts do see your doc so he can determine if it needs treatment. Hang in there!
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