
Esophagus Distress

on 3/12/11 8:57 am - Chicago, IL
Thanks for the positive reinforcement, it really helps.
on 3/31/12 12:20 am - Chicago, IL
Well my dr. was right, I had my band removed and have gained back 70lbs., I wish I had gotten the gastric bypass done while he was in doing the removal.  The 45 min. surgery turned into 2 hrs. due to the amt. of scar tissue.  But everything happens for a reason.  My husband didn't want me to have the gastric bypass anyway, but seeing how unhappy I am has made him change his mind (especially since he didn't help me keep the weight off like he said). 

I first talked to my primary and we had a good talk, she said that physically I was a good candidate for the gastric bypass and knowing my busy lifestyle said that I should have it done.  I then went back to see the dr. that did my lapband surgery and he agreed.  But there were steps I had to take again before he could do it.

I had to go thru the psychiatric eval. again, the nutritionist eval. again and see the weight dr. again this time twice, all to make sure that I'm mentally and physically ready for this new life change that this different surgery will bring.  I had to see the weight dr. 2x bec. my diabeties was getting unstable due to the weight gain.  On the 2nd visit it was down to where she said I was good to go.  The insurance was approved a 2nd time right from the start and I didn't know approval is good for a year, which I was concerned about bec. of having to go thru all of the evaluations again and I am now waiting for the hospital to call me with a date. 

There are a few people who know I'm going to have the surgery and have tried to talk me out of it, but I know that the only way I'm not going to eat is if I can't eat.  After making food the focus of my life for over 50 years I now know me. 

So stay prayful for me as I start on my new journey with the different weight loss surgery to be a happy me again and to fit back into my size 12-14 clothes.  
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/12 9:20 am - Mexico
I'm sorry the band didn't work out for you but keep in mind, long term it doesn't work for most people.  What you experienced is the natural progression of the band.  I had one too, but I could only stand it for 18 months before I revised to a sleeve.

Since you clearly do well with restriction alone, why bypass?  Why not a sleeve?  The weight loss is the same long term and a sleeve is oodles safer than bypass.  Easier to live with as well.

on 4/6/12 11:33 pm - Chicago, IL
The sleeve just seems so scary to me.  But I am going to look at it again right now.  Thanks for suggesting it, it's nice to know I still have options.
(deactivated member)
on 4/6/12 11:39 pm - Mexico
On April 7, 2012 at 6:33 AM Pacific Time, goldenlady5 wrote:
The sleeve just seems so scary to me.  But I am going to look at it again right now.  Thanks for suggesting it, it's nice to know I still have options.
Yeah, it IS scary!  But when you put things in perspective, it is pretty much like having your appendix removed.  Not a lot different.  But I totally agree, it takes time to get to that perspective, especially after having been banded.

Stephanie M.
on 5/30/12 2:27 am
Hi there, so sorry you are going through this.  Do you have a Realize band or lap band...generally realize doesn't recommend a primer fill at time of surgery.  I think that before you panic, see what is actually happening to your stomach, esophagus and band...hang in there!  You have done great!


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


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