
Esophagus Distress

on 3/10/11 9:03 am - Chicago, IL
I am divastated after seeing my dr. today and being told my band may have to be removed bec. there's a possibility that my food isn't going down and into my stomach.  This is making me throw up to get relief from the back up. 

I had my surgery in Nov. "08" and developed reflux.   I never had to have a fill and in August of last year the fluid originally in my band with the surgery was removed.  Relief was instant but a month later I began developing the symtoms again for GERD.  No reflux meds help with what's going on and I was having to choose bet. taking my medicine, drinking enough fluids or eating..  The thing is I have learned to alternate and live with it for the past few months not having any idea of the damage being caused to my esophagus.  My primary phy. even took me off of all my diabetes med. and put me on the 1 x a day injections called Victoza, which is working out great. She checked everything out and physically I am fine, so far.

I asked if the band could be loosened but was told that taking the fluid out is what loosens the band and that's it, nothing else can be done. I had also previously taken some tests and listening to my dr. that did the band surgery talking to his assistant today, there was a slight prob. then that now seems to have escalated. 

I go for more testing on the 24th of this month, with the bariatric liquid, ugh, and I'm praying that everything can be corrected without removal of my band.  I asked if gastric was an option and was told yes but it wasn't an enthusiastic yes.  I asked him what would happen when the band was removed and he honestly told me that stats show that patients regain their weight.  When I had my surgery I was at 317 lbs, I am now at 214.  I'm 5'9" from a size 26 to a 14 and I'm loving every min.  I'm one of those people who has been obese since childhood and from pictures you can see that starting at age 5 I would never be anything but overweight.  I don't even remember ever having even worn a size 14, so you can imagine that I'm in heaven right now.  He was very symphathetic and said we would talk again after the testing.

When the drs. left the room I cried.  I really don't want the gastric but I even more don't want to regain any weight.  I'm scared but I'm going to stay prayerful.
Kim H.
on 3/10/11 12:52 pm - Duluth, MN
You are in my prayers


Tom C.
on 3/10/11 6:07 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

I hope you can feel my hugs over the internet. Sorry to hear about your experience. I firmly believe things happen for a reason, and in the end it all works out.


I have a suggestion – please go and speak to another Doctor or two to get their opinions. I have no idea who your Doctor is, and they are probably a very good one. However if you’ve been having these issues since August, and they are just NOW making their decision, I would be a little concerned. Now if you haven’t been making follow-up visits, then that’s a legitimate reason.


There are other options out there besides bypass. You may want to look into a different band (lap band); the sleeve (which is like the cross between a band and bypass); as about a BIB (some Doctors have trials concerning this),


Maybe what you’ve learned so far will help in your future. I know a person who had the band, lost weight, had complications, had the band removed and gained only 20 pounds of her lowest. It’s been over 2 years now, and she’s still doing fantastic.


Good luck, and know no matter what happens, I am here for you!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/10/11 8:36 pm - Chicago, IL
Thank you Tom your reply and suggestion were truly appreciated.
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/12 9:16 am - Mexico
On March 11, 2011 at 2:07 AM Pacific Time, Tom C. wrote:

I hope you can feel my hugs over the internet. Sorry to hear about your experience. I firmly believe things happen for a reason, and in the end it all works out.


I have a suggestion – please go and speak to another Doctor or two to get their opinions. I have no idea who your Doctor is, and they are probably a very good one. However if you’ve been having these issues since August, and they are just NOW making their decision, I would be a little concerned. Now if you haven’t been making follow-up visits, then that’s a legitimate reason.


There are other options out there besides bypass. You may want to look into a different band (lap band); the sleeve (which is like the cross between a band and bypass); as about a BIB (some Doctors have trials concerning this),


Maybe what you’ve learned so far will help in your future. I know a person who had the band, lost weight, had complications, had the band removed and gained only 20 pounds of her lowest. It’s been over 2 years now, and she’s still doing fantastic.


Good luck, and know no matter what happens, I am here for you!!

Small correction here, a sleeve is not a cross between a band and bypass.  A sleeve is absolutely nothing like bypass, not even close.  They are very very different procedures.  Pretty much opposite procedures.

A sleeve is actually the safest surgery type long term, not a band.

on 3/11/11 12:57 am - CA
The symptoms you are describing sound exactly like what I was experiencing before being banded. (except you didn't mention throwing up in your sleep too) When my doc went in to place the band he found that there was a large tear in my diaphragm and my stomach was up in my chest area through the hole. So I got "the blue plate 2 for 1 special" during my surgery as he fixed it and placed the band. I just wonder if this is what may be causing your problems -- it's worth looking into before you agree to lose your band. Good luck! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

on 3/12/11 9:04 am - Chicago, IL

Thank you, on the 24th I will be going in for test bef. it's removed.

on 3/11/11 9:34 am - Vancouver, WA
If the band is giving you this much trouble you would be wise to say good bye to it because 9 times out of 10 it just continues and gets worse. You could have the sleeve instead of the bypass, it basically works like the band but without the throwing up. I'm sorry you are having problems but it may be a blessing in disguise.
on 3/12/11 9:02 am - Chicago, IL
Thank you I will definately ask about it.
Amy B.
on 3/11/11 8:18 pm
Wow! I can understand why you're so upset. It's hard enough to make such a life changing decision to have the surgery, but then to be told you may have to have it reversed must be a horrible feeling. I actually had reflux before the surgery, so my doctor had me do the barium test for reflux AND haital (sp) hernia to make sure the lapband was a good option for me. The test showed my reflux was not severe enough to keep me from the surgery. I'm sending good vibes that what you're experiencing is easily fixable and won't require band removal!
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