
Fifty Percent Weight Loss

Denise R.
on 3/5/11 1:21 am - Manchester, NH
I saw my surgeon and his team the other day and he informed me that I am officially "overweight" not obese. That is a wonderful declaration. He also told me that I have also lost more than 50% of my excess weight and that's where most get. But I could be the exception and lose all my excess weight. That is my goal but I have to understand that it will start to slow down and I will have to kick up my exercise because that it key to my continued weight loss. That is scarry for me. I have been doing everything by the rules. When I saw him 4 weeks earlier he seemed to indicate that fill would be enough for me. But a week before meeting him I started to get hungry between meals and very very hungry even waking me up in the middle of the night because I was so hungry so he gave me another cc in my band. I did my 2 days of liquid and have now started to eat but I don't feel restricted like I did for the first two fills. I guess I will just have to give it a little of time and see if things change. I won't see him for three months but if I don't feel restriction I will have to make an appointment in April to see him.

I was disappointed with the dietition. She didn't give my any information that I didn't already know and she just push a book she likes "Wired for Joy" I am going to read it. But so far that was a waste of my time and money. They also had me meet with Exercise Therapist and the only thing I got from that is information about how much body fat I am down. I knew that because I've lost 53 pounds so my body fat would also be down. I missed some important questions I had because there was too much going on in an hour. Three appointments. I won't let them do that for my 6-mo check up. I am calling to reschedule them at different times. Even if they are the same day they won't be one right after another. I need a break between them to get my thoughts together.

So I begin what I'm trying to think of as the second part of my weight loss journey. Small steps. Instead of looking at 38 pounds I'm splitting it up. I am currently at 188 and I'm going to work hard to get to 170 and then will look at the next 20 pounds. Small goals now to keep me focused. I hope that with spring coming the exercise will become more convenient. When you have 3+ feet of snow on the sidewalks you can't just go for a walk. Where are you spring.

Thanks for everyone's support.

Kim H.
on 3/5/11 2:39 am - Duluth, MN
Before surgery I went to the gym 5 days a week. I am addicted! I miss it, but the doctor said maybe after the 2 week post op check I can start back again SLOWLY!! I am so pumped for that to happen. I miss the support of the people there, and I miss the classes I was taking and the recumbent bike is my "best friend" LOL. Have a good day all, and thanks for everyone's input! It is greatly needed AND appreciated!


Denise R.
on 3/5/11 10:05 am - Manchester, NH
My clinic supported exercise right from the beginning even if its just around the house or the block or at the gym on a tread mill. Move Move Move. Listen to your body. My husband took me for a walk around the block, slowly the morning after surgery and I felt fine. The fresh air was good. But you must listen to your doctor and follow all their directions. Good luck and the time will move quickly.

on 3/5/11 8:46 am - Athens, GA

Amazing how good it feels to be "overweight" isn't it?! ;-)




Kim H.
on 3/5/11 12:07 pm - Duluth, MN
Yes it will feel good! It feels good to have lost what I have so far..I can only imagine the next milestone. I am starting to see a difference in my face now, but not yet in my abdomen where I carry the majority of my weight. I know it will be a slow process ...but I am not a patient person lol To quote Willie Wonka, not sure what her name was but ..."I want it NOW!!!" lol


Tom C.
on 3/6/11 5:58 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
>> To quote Willie Wonka, not sure what her name was but ..."I want it NOW!!!" lol << Her name is Veruca Salt
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Kim H.
on 3/6/11 9:24 am - Duluth, MN
lol thanks Tom!!


Tom C.
on 3/6/11 5:35 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ



As posted elsewhere, CONGRATS on being OVERWEIGHT!! This is such a wonderful milestone. Way to GO!!


Upping your exercise DOES help immensely – I know this first handily. All last year I yo-yoed with the same 5 pounds. This year decided to up my exercise and watch my calories, and since then been losing about 2 to 3 pounds a week.


How does your Doctor do fills? Do they do it under fluoroscope or “blindly". Also remember, as you lose weight your stomach shrinks, and the band can become “lose". Think of it more like a belt. You can be at a certain notch, and once you lose weight that notch is no longer effective, and you need to make it smaller. Same with the band. But I agree, if you feel you need an adjustment – call and get it done.


The only thing to remember, if you up your exercise you may be able to eat more and still lose weight. But always make sure you count your calories to make sure you’re not “way" over what you should be taking in.


If you’re upset with the dietitian, go see if you can switch to another one. You may have to “interview" a few (via the phone) to make sure they have a bariatric background. MANY DO NOT, and that’s very important since they don’t have any idea what WE go through.


I always suggest no matter who you’re meeting with, bring a list of questions for you. This way you don’t forget, which can be very easy.


I love that you are having “smaller" goals to your ultimate goal.  I do the same thing. But don’t get discouraged if it take time to get there. Even if it take another 1 – 2 – 5 years, who cares? Think how long it took to PUT ON the weight. So it will take just as long, if not longer, to lose it.


CONGRATS again!! And keep up (off) the great work !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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