
My first week

on 2/26/11 5:02 pm - CA

I had the realize band surgery on 2/17. I have barely bneen ablke to drink all 3 of my protein shakes a day. A few days ago, I tried cream of chicken diluted with water. today I had the liquids soup part of the adondiga soup and also a very very chewed up craker. This evening I ate mashed pinto beans (not refried with oils, just the mashed beans itself) with non-fat cheese. I have had a small amount of meat that was chewed very carefully and small.
Question is, I know I am not supposed to get off liquids until next friday but has anyone else "tested" the limits at this early stage. I am sticking to liquids from this point forward but I am curious as I noticed I am able to swallow a lot more water and I can finish a protein shake (12 oz) now in a sitting. Is this normal?

Thank you,

Tom C.
on 2/26/11 10:25 pm, edited 2/26/11 10:26 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

You're gonna hate me - while testing the water may be doable - I strongly suggest DON'T until (A) you're guide tells you (B) you speak to your Doctor for approval.

Doing this can lead you back into bad habits. The Doctor/Nutritionists set out a 'road map' for your victory journey. If you are already diverting, the road may turn out to be longer, or you may take a "detour" onto another road you don't want to go down.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but please know all I want is the best success for you.

Again, talk to your Doctor and if they give their blessing then don't listen to me.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
crystal M.
on 2/26/11 11:50 pm - Joliet, IL

I have to agree with Tom.  If you stray from doctor's orders so early on this could greatly effect your success.  The reason being the more you cheat the easier cheating becomes.  I'm not saying I'm perfect by no means.  But in the very beginning after surgery you must follow orders.  Your stomach is still healing and could be swollen.  You don't want to hurt your self by cheating.  Later after a few months I did cheat...a lot.  But I wasn't successful...at all.  I wasn't losing weight and I was upset.  Funny thing was I was blaming the band...when I knew very well it was me.  When I finally started to follow my doctor's suggestions...SURPRISE I lost weight...lots of weight.  This is the reason we had surgery.  It just seems silly to me to go through the trouble of having surgery and not take it seriously by following the rules. 

I now follow the rules and exercise 6 times a week, 90 minutes a day.  I have lost 135 lbs so far.  You know what....
the way I look and feel now is so much better then the taste of my favorite foods. 
Kim H.
on 2/27/11 2:37 am - Duluth, MN
I agree with cmagouirk,and Tom. I have not even had surgery yet (tomorrow*sigh*), but, that is what I feel also, you worked so hard to get to the point of being able to have the surgery, WHY would you want to "blow it" so soon..I am NOT judging you..it must be hard..I guess I will find out..but...it is just going to make things worse to "cheat" this soon..I know I will be on liquids 2 weeks post op and pureed 2 weeks then soft or 2 more weeks...I plan to follow that to the "letter" even if it means no cheese potatoes on Easter Sunday(no starches for 4 months according to my "rules"). I wish you the best of luck.


on 2/27/11 5:41 am - Vancouver, WA
Another reason not to push the limits is that your band needs to "seat" itself around your stomach and that takes some time. Everytime you cheat or try to eat something your stomach churns and moves while it is digesting and this can move the band around, something you don't want. We've all been thru this process and survived, you can too.
on 2/27/11 3:43 pm - CA
Thank you to everyone for the feedback! I had a moment, no excuse. Luckilly I feel ok but I am not going to test my limits. Your all right, Ive been preparing for this and made this decision, I cant coward out so early. For those reasons is how I got here. thank you again, I didnt think I would take to this online support site but you all are very encouraging and inspiring and I thiank you for "keeping it real" :) 
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