

on 2/22/11 11:18 am - IL
I have my surgery scheduled for March 4th and i am so ready. doing the 2 week pre-opt is hard but i am doing it, i am throwing a salad in there instead of 2 shakes. i just needed something to chew. It's hard but i am doing it. I am looking forward to my new life starting. Please drop a line, let me know how you are doing with the band and if there is anything i need to know. My dietitian said that most people can't have bread. is that true?
on 2/22/11 11:16 pm
HI, I had my surgery Dec 22--so I'm pretty new.  Had my first fill last week.  I'm finding that everyone is different.  So far I haven't had any problems eating bread--but I don't eat much as that is one of my favorite things in ht eworl.  Basically, I prefer bread over dessert.  I have found a little difficulty eating plain pasta.  Good luck to you.
on 2/23/11 10:33 am - IL
Thanks, i am extraed and it's hard to know what is going to happen when i have mine done but i guys i will see. thanks good luck with you....
Kim H.
on 2/23/11 1:35 am - Duluth, MN
On February 22, 2011 at 7:18 PM Pacific Time, rawkonchic wrote:
I have my surgery scheduled for March 4th and i am so ready. doing the 2 week pre-opt is hard but i am doing it, i am throwing a salad in there instead of 2 shakes. i just needed something to chew. It's hard but i am doing it. I am looking forward to my new life starting. Please drop a line, let me know how you are doing with the band and if there is anything i need to know. My dietitian said that most people can't have bread. is that true?
I am having my surgery in 5 days..0n Feb 28.I have stuck to the pre op diet completely tho it has been hard..NO SOLID FOODS allowed..not even "a salad...the reason is so the fat around the liver goes down so the band is easier to put in place. I was told if I ate ANY solid food the surgeon may not be able to do the surgery. I was really weak by day 5 . I called and found that was "normal" and told to consume more fluids (sugar free jello, sodium free broth, water), but no "food". Who is correct?


on 2/23/11 10:38 am - IL

See my dietitian said to do the 2 shakes and 2 -100 calorie snacks and then a low cal meal (like lean cuisine or a protein and a 1/2 cp of veggies (not starchy). It must be the person or the Dr. I have seen people who don't have to do anything at all until 2 days before. But i know it's to make my liver small and so it's not nicked. who knows what is right.

Kim H.
on 2/23/11 1:47 pm - Duluth, MN
That is so interesting. All docs must have differing guidelines: for example, I was /am able to you instant non fat dry milk instead of protein powder in all the "liquid meals" I can have. I am learning so much here. My surgery is getting closer (little more than 5 days away)and I am getting really nervous. I should not let doubts creep in, but...Any suggestions anyone?
Good luck tomorrow! You will do great!


on 2/24/11 11:13 pm - TX
REALIZE Band on 02/24/11 with
Hi Kim,

Well, yesterday I had my surgery. And it was a sucess!!! yes, I haven't been nervous until the morning of, my husband kept talking to me about just anything to try to keep my mind clear. He was terrific, I got there at 8 surgery at 10 and as soon as they called me back it was pretty much none stop. The nurses and the IV gentlymen was great. And the post-op was just as wonderful they were there with ice water and offered me some juice, which I ended up having 8oz. of apple juice. I just want to let you know that you will be fine and I want to wish you good luck and I want to see you how you did afterwards!!!! Come Monday you will also be on the loser bench along with me
Tom C.
on 2/23/11 2:12 am, edited 2/23/11 2:13 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

I am 3 years out and I can eat bread; bagels; rice and macaroni .. BUT .. the “white" variety gives me issues. So I eat “grain" versions of these, in addition:


For bread & bagels I toast them until they are just about burnt, then I add a spread on it.


For rice & macaroni I cook them al dente. I stay away from “strand" macaroni, and eat more “shell" or an “egg noodle" type.


Basically I can eat tolerate anything else with my band, except for DRY foods, such as well/over done/cooked meats.


Salads can be changeling at times. There are some I can eat with no issues, then other times I have problems. Celery can give me trouble because of the ‘fibrous strands’. Raw Broccoli sometimes gives me issues too. Again it depends on the day.

I hope this answered your question.

PS - once you have the band I hope you'll be having your Protein shakes then. Protein is extremely important in helping lose weight, and REMAIN HEALTHY. Protein is one of those things your body cannot produce on it's own.

Final things to know
(1) there will be highs and lows during the entire journey. You may even have some slips - not matter what know (A) you need to get back on track (B) it all works out in the end.

(2) The band is only a tool, and will not do the work for you. Like a hammer with a nail, the hammer cannot work without some sort of person operating it.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/23/11 10:41 am - IL
I just wanted to say thank you. i have seen you in a lot of the forums and you are truly and role model. i enjoy ready your replies and i will make sure i keep watching your stuff.
on 2/23/11 2:29 am - TX
REALIZE Band on 02/24/11 with
See I'm there with you all, my surgery is for tomorrow 2/24 and can't wait. about the pre-op I was aloud to eat but it had to be 70 protein and no more then 30 Carbs. And like today I'm on clear liquids.
As for the bread, that is what I've been told and what I've been reading which is okay by me. I've never really been a bread person myself, I'm a pasta which is going to be hard.
I wish you the best come March 4 and I keep you all updated how it goes tomorrow :)
Then I can join all the others on the losers bench :)
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