
Not a newbie to the site but a newbie to the procedure

on 2/10/11 4:16 pm - NJ
Hello All,
I haven't been using this site like I used to, but I'm back. I took off some time to gather my thoughts, seek other alternatives, and try the old fashioned way to do this weight loss thing. Take a guess what happened (I'll give you one shot at it). Do you think I made my goal? Of course not I'm back
to square one again. I decided to do myself a favor and reach for a tool (WLS). I've decided to man up and ban up (smile).

I called up the doctor and went for my consultation today. To update you all on my story I was thinking about this 1+ year ago and I had Aetna insurance which required 4 months of visits with the doctor before approval. Well on the 4th visits I bolted out of fear or failing, risks, and being ridiculed my people if I did fail or being ridiculed for not trying doing it without surgery (quick fix as they see it). Maybe this is a sign for me to take control of my life and be responsible for my health. Sometimes life has a funny way of showing you things.

I got my blood work and I was over the normal range for sugar level. So the doc explained to me I was diabetic (what a reality check that was for me today). He also told me if I had the surgery I would worry about taking medication because the weight loss would turn the table around, but if I kept gaining it would get worse. Since I smoke he also told me I was heading for a disaster. My new insurance is BCBS and I can have get approved in  5 days (OMG). A chill went through me, I wasn't expecting that. I thought about and I'm going  to do it. I'm opting for the realize band.

What I'm asking from you guys is support and encouragement to think positive and to avoid cold feet. My brother spent 5 hrs on the phone trying to convince me not to have this done, but I held my ground and explained to him this is what I need to do to get where I need to get and that's healthy. I know he's  worried and concerned but I told him the risks are going to be there, but how risky is it for me if I keep gaining weight? Now I feel blah again so I figured I'd reach out to people who understood me when I posted before and I know will understand me now.

the pose

P.S sorry I wrote so much, I need to get that out so it wouldn't influence my decison like it did in the past, and that led me to not posting on the site.

Tom C.
on 2/10/11 6:48 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

The Pose,

I was in the same boat as you're in. I did some Weight Loss Surgery research for about four years prior to the Doctor saying "stated I was young and healthy enough to do it NOW, but who knows what the next year, or two, may bring. She also stated if I didn’t do something, there was no guarantee I would be around for the next 3 years." That was MY final straw.

Know I am here if you need. I am also willing to hold you hand the entire way, if wanted (this goes for ANYONE who is thinking of having any WLS).

Good luck, and I'll start reserving your place on our Loser's Bench in the Winner's Circle.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/11/11 12:22 pm - NJ
Hi Tom,

You are just as sweet and encouraging as your were when I first met you here. I remember you befriending me and  giving me a helping in hand whenever I needed it. And here it is over a year later and you're still the same. Thank You! I met Dr. Abkin and I told him how I idolized you and what i learned from you was to just follow the directions and you'll get results. Tom when are you guys coming to the Omega Diner?  

Tom C.
on 2/11/11 3:28 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
Thanks for the kind words. They are humbling.

Omega Diner - THIS TUESDAY!! A whole bunch will be there !! Join us if you can.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/12/11 1:49 am
I went to my WLS Dr for a consult regarding the surgery one year ago and got scared to death.  So I
tried a couple of "diets" and of corse failed at all.  Then I went back to the same Dr with a more open
mind and more questions.  Decided this was my last straw and wanted the surgery (realize band).  But had to go home and convince my husband that this is what i wanted.  At first he said NO!  My husband is very tall and never had to worry about weight.  I explained to him he never had this issue to deal with and the struggling of the weight battle every day of my life.  Then I basically told him that this is MY BODY and I was going to have the surgery.  I really wanted the bipass but we agreed on the band.  Believe me I was scarred and worried.  But convinced him to support me.  So I got my way and had the surgery.  My husband has been my biggest support system.  I just had my surgery couple months ago and things are going good.  I was back to work in 2 weeks.  It is 6 weeks post op and just starting to exercise.  Believe me It is still not easy.  This is a tool and you have to listen to your Dr's advise.  Go to support groups and nutritionists.  Good Luck with your decision and we are here for each other.  I REALLY WAS THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE.  
on 2/12/11 5:05 am - NJ

Hi spotsgirl,

Thank you for the encouragement and support, I knew I had to get back on this site or I would lose some of my mind. I think this is what I need to do for me, as I tried to explain to my brother. I understand how he feels and I know how he's viewing it. I honestly believe this tool is what I need to succeed, I'm in the process of seeing the nut and I've decided to go to one that wasn't approved by my doc, for two reasons one its just too damn much money ($250 plus $40-copay for the nutritionist the same day-total $290.00) and to see if there's a big difference in how they do the evals (went to one the last time for this procedure) if it is I'll just follow through with the one my suoreon uses. I know I gotta do the work and the band is there to help me along, so there's no denial there, I get afraid whenever I think of failing or complications taking place. What ever info you can add is always appreciated. Congrats on your success and keep up the good work.


Kim H.
on 2/17/11 7:10 am - Duluth, MN
Lots of my friends and some of my family were not supportive at first. They would say that it was risky because of pre-existing conditions. But I KNOW that surgery will help (cure?) many of them. I will not give in and give up. I will hold my ground and show them how wrong they are.


Tom C.
on 2/17/11 5:14 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Good for you Kim. You HOLD to your decision, no matter what is it. While I understand these people (probably) have your best interest in their mind, unless they walked in your shoes they have no idea what you are going through. Plus they probably are unaware what the operation is; how safe it is; and the benefits of having it. Well, once they see the results they will admit they were wrong.


Good luck!! And know we're here for you!!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Kim H.
on 2/17/11 7:12 pm - Duluth, MN
Thank you , Tom, and everyone here who is so supportive!


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