
I am having some issues with my esophagus

on 2/8/11 2:13 am - Denton, TX
Good afternoon,

I was wondering when a problem is severe enough that I should worry.  I have acid reflux which I think I had before surgery but is now bad enough to take omeprazole daily.  That's an irritation but I think my esophageal problem is related.

I have an issue of food getting "stuck" in my esophagus on a pretty regular basis.  I had an incident this morning that lasted a total of over an hour and a half and after which I feel like I have a lump under my sternum.  This whole issue started suddenly.  One day I could eat whatever I wanted (as far as my stomach was concerned) and the next day a baked potato just about killed me.  

It feels like food gets stuck before it can get into my stomach and will sit there until a bunch of itsy bitsy air bubbles can get out and finally allow me to burp.  Sometimes it lasts for 5 minutes but lately if it happens then it will take half an hour or more to resolve itself to just the dull ache under my sternum and the feel of flexing on my left side.

It seems to happen more with some foods, chicken being the worst followed closely by any potato that is not mashed.  I have had a problem after 3 bites of well-chewed chicken or after something stupid like 5 Triscuit crackers.  

Sometimes just a sip of water will cause flexing and tiny hiccups accompanied by pain though with liquids it is surely a much faster recovery.

I am going in for a fill with the xrays or flouroscope or whatever it is they will use to look at my guts while I swallow.  I have had less than stellar results becuase I have been able to eat much more than expected before I feel full.  I have rarely eaten to the point of pain but I came out my liquid diet after surgery able to eat 8 - 10oz of solid food.

Honestly for me the band has been excellent in helping me keep the weight I have lost off even if I am losing at a snail's pace.  Between my last fills I had lost a total of 3 lbs and though I am doing a little better with this last one my esophageal pain has been off the charts a couple of times and I am still barely losing.

Anyway, after I wrote this book, is this a common problem?
Tom C.
on 2/8/11 4:13 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Sometimes Band operations have been known to cure acid reflux issues. Other times, not - and still others cause.

Since I am unsure how 'far out' you are with the band, I have 3 questions for you (A) how many times are you chewing your food before swallowing it (B) how much time do you allow between swallowing and having another piece (C) how big are the portions of food you are putting in your mouth?

With the band around your stomach, think of it as either a funnel or hour-glass - with the narrowness. You need to make sure things can pass through that tight passage, or you will get stuck.

(A) Make sure you chew your food 30 times before swallowing. You want to make it feel like baby food in your mouth

(B) For me, I need to take an additional 30 seconds between swallowing and having another piece of food, or I can get stuck. That's one of the reasons I still eat by a stop-watch

(C) Before you put a piece of food in your mouth, ask yourself - would I feed this to a baby (human baby, not hippo :D). You want small amounts.

I am glad to see you're being proactive and seeing the Doctor. Let me know how it turns out.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/8/11 4:36 am - Denton, TX
To answer your questions:

A) generally 30 times unless the food disintegrates first.

B)The time varies and sometimes it is 3 minutes or more.

c) I use the last joint of my thumb as a guide for the size of a bite.

D) I do eat small amounts

Remember small sips of water can also cause me pain and that sometimes it happens at the beginning of a meal or at any time in between.
crystal M.
on 2/8/11 10:10 am - Joliet, IL
I think most people have pressure or pain in their esophagus or chest area when they are stuck.  I would say if you are following the band rules and you still get stuck you may need a slight unfill.  When I was too tight I had issues with food getting stuck or coming back up on me.  I had .02 ccs taken out of my band and it was perfect.  I never had an issue since then.  But let this go on to long.  Go in ASAP
on 2/9/11 5:23 am
I can not eat and drink, or drink after I've eaten without agony. 
Sounds like the food is too dense - I would cook the chicken and pototoes (and whatever else) in a crock pot w/ a sauce to make it more tender.  The consistency of the protein matters,  and I know I have had similar issues when things are too dense, and when I don't chew enough, or take small bites.
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