
Disappointed with the Realize Band

on 2/3/11 4:22 am

I had WLS on July 7, 2010. To date, I've only lost 30 pounds.  Needless to say, I'm frustrated and disappointed with my weight loss. So I've experienced all of the cons but very few benefits. My doctor will only give fills every 3 - 6 months.  My last fill was in December and I've actually ganed 5 lbs since then!  My next fill is scheduled for March but not sure if I'll go because it does not seem to be helping anyway.  I have very limited restriction. I now regret my decision and wish that I had selected the RNY instead. 

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from having the band but know that your weight loss will be not be dramatic.  I'm thinking about having a revision but not sure if I can afford it or can endure any more pain.  Just wanted to share my thougts and feelings.

Tom C.
on 2/3/11 9:07 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



For some the band is the wrong tool. It’s sad to say, but it’s the truth. With that said, before throwing in the towel, I have one other suggestion.


From what I read it sounds you’re doing everything right, but I can’t say the same for your Doctor. It seems you’re not getting the proper support from your Doctor. I would suggest seeking another Doctor. Remember you are the client/consumer. If you’re paying for a service, you want the best service for that money. If not, move on. You are worth THE BEST because YOU ARE THE BEST !! If you bought a television and it didn’t work properly, you’d demand to have it corrected. Aren’t you worth more then a television?


You may also want to speak to a Nutritionist. Many insurance companies allow you to see one X amount of times per year. Contact your insurance company.


Now a pet peeve .. DROP THE WORD ONLY !! I get very upset to read, or hear, “I’ve lost only X pounds". Why use the word ONLY !?!?!?! Be proud of those pounds you lost!!! This is a major accomplishment!!


How many times were you NOT able to lose that amount of weight???? Or when you did, you gained it back?? If you lost weight, and haven’t gained it back, then aren’t you really winning?!?!?


Would you have rather gained X pounds? I understand it’s not as much as you would like, but it’s still A LOSS!! Remember, normal HEALTHY weight loss is anywhere between 1/2 a pound to 2 pounds a week.  Since you’re 6 months (30 weeks) out your lost is within the average. Yes I know you’d like more, but it’s still a victory.


Remember, this isn’t a race. “Slow and steady wins the race".  We are a generation of instantaneous results, however remember we didn’t put all the weight on at once, it took years. So don’t you think losing it would take just as long? This isn't one of those miracle instantaneous weight loss programs. We all know types of programs always fail. This is a way of life


Nowhere does any of the literate state you will lose x amount of weight in x days. Think LONG TERM. If it takes you 2 – 3 -5 years to lose all the weight, WHO CARES!!! How long did it take you to put all those pounds on? Try to remind yourself that even if I lost only 1 pound per week, in year’s time I’d be 52 pounds lighter. Many doctors believe the slower you lose weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off. 


Many folks are hung up on the number. It’s not the number of pounds that someone loses in a specified period of time that is important. It’s how you feel. Don’t forget, if you are toning up muscle – your weight loss may seem to have slowed (or stopped), when in fact you are replacing fat with muscle. Muscle is heavier then fat. Someone weighting 200 pounds with a body fat percentage of 25 is carrying around 50 pounds of extra fat. That same person weighting 200 pounds with 10 percent body fat would be carrying 20 pounds of fat. So it’s not the number that is important.


Good luck, and know I am here for you.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
crystal M.
on 2/3/11 10:21 am - Joliet, IL
I understand your frustration.  I was where you are now, last summer.  I was no losing anymore and I still had at least 120 lbs or more to lose.  I was afraid I chose the wrong surgery.  I even expressed those exact words.  What I did that changed everything for me was introducing major exercise.  I exercise 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week.  I do 60 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on weight lifting and then stretching.  Now I went from not losing anything at all for months to losing 16 lbs in one month.  That was in October, I'm still losing.  I lost 13 lbs this month!!!  It just keeps falling off!!!  Who knew I that I would just exercise for hours and it would work!!!  It's so worth it.  Every time I get lazy and I don't want to go I just think about how nice it will be to skinny and I get motivate to go.  It's a lot of work and commitment but I love the weight loss...I guess I'm addicted now.  I also cut most carbs out of my diet.  Especially white carbs.  I stay around 1200 calories.  

I guess I got tired of being mad and frustrated.  I realized that if I didn't do something than I won't lose weight.  My band is not doing the work I am.  I have to go to the gym everyday, I have to say no to pizza and cookies...not my band. 

I do want to say I agree with the other person and I think you should go to another doctor for fills.  I have never heard of a doctor waiting 3-6 months for fills.  Most doctors do 4-6 weeks.  I would tell him he needs to give you fills more often or you will go else where.  That is just insane...6 months!!!  What is he thinking???  I'm sorry.  Get another doctor and exercise your butt off and you will see results!!! 
on 2/3/11 11:10 am
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to find another doctor that does fills more frequently.  In addition, I will start exercising more.  If that doesn't work.....REVISION. Thanks for the support and advice.
Vivian Prouty
on 2/3/11 11:47 pm - Fort Worth, TX
 Morning Kimhoke,

I agree with Tom.    One surgery does not fit all.   That is why there are so many choices for WLS patients.    I will tell you ......ALL the WLS do work.   Some faster than others.    But all in all they do all work.   But you too have to work the "tool" given to you as best as you can.   Trust me....You can fail RNY, Sleeve, DS, and any other WLS if you don't do it right.   I agree with Tom...find another doc to do your fills.    I have a niece who was banded in June in to date has lost almost 80 lbs.   BUT she had to get aggressive with her doc and demand a  more aggressive fill.   Lucky for her he complied wit her wishes.    If you feel this is not a option for you then find someone else to do the fills.   Good luck to you my friend and definitely add exercise.    Seems we ( from what I have observed ) that exercise seems to be the missing link to most of us for losing the weight and keeping it off once it is off.   Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do.    

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Jamie Z.
on 2/4/11 10:53 pm - MI
I would suggest speaking with another doctor as well. Also, try and find support groups in your area. Those have helped me greatly.
on 2/5/11 1:47 pm - Athens, GA

Do u realize how long it could take to get restriction with fills only every 3-6 mos.??? That is if u even get it!

I got my band 15 mos. ago and have had 15 fills. Still no restriction. I am ready to revise. This band has been a complete waste of time and MONEY!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

Change Drs. if he won't give u fills. Hope u have better luck than me!




on 2/6/11 3:43 am
How much weight have you lost?
on 2/6/11 4:00 am - Athens, GA

Kim I have done well with weight loss, but I have not done well with the band. Since I got the band in Nov. '09 I have lost 73 lbs. The only time I really lost BECAUSE of the band was the first 2 wks. after getting the band when I had no appetite b/c of the swellling from surgery.

Since then I have had 15 fills.............4 partial unfills...............and still NO "sweet spot"!

I am often a little tight in the morning, then after that I could usually eat anything n everything.

I have lost what I have b/c I have tried to work WITH the band by doing high protein, lower carb, lower sugar, not drinking with meals and not drinking 30 mins. after meals, and llimiting the amount I eat.

I also lost 30-40 lbs. in the 7 mos. prior to surgery by just not buying sweets to bring home. So all totaled I have lost over 100 lbs.

They say that the band is a "tool"...........however...........if the band doesn't work................THEN YOU HAVE NO TOOL! Kind of like trying to fix a water leak with a broken wrench! :-(

I just posted an article on my WLS blog ( FormerlyFluffy.com ) about the band. Please read it:

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/lapband/4316546/Lap-Band-Realize- Band-BEWARE/




on 2/6/11 4:13 am
Wow.  You don't know how good it is to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way about the band. I'm going to find a new doctor.  I look forward to reading your blog.  Thanks again for sharing
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