
Had my surgery today

T. Christian
on 1/24/11 12:14 pm
Okay...it feels good to be an official "LOSER!!"

So as I discussed earlier, my surgery started one hour late which was fine by me because that gave  my mom a chance to see me before surgery. That felt great to talk and joke with her before I went under.  Pre-op they gave me medicine to "take the edge off of my anxiety" and to make my mouth very dry so that I wasn't slobbering and drooling during the procedure. Now when I say my mouth was dry, I mean there was NO fluid in my mouth and every time I tried to speak, the inside of my lips stuck to my teeth..LOL! I never experienced such a thing. Okay here was my experience with surgery..

I went under in no time..LOL! It was just like I took a very brief nap.  When I woke up, I heard "Telisha, honey can you hear me? How do you feel?".   As I tried to answer I started coughing uncontrollably. Thank goodness I remembered to hold my belly as I coughed. My throat was RAW and mouth DRY.  They gave me a breathing treatment and said my oxygen was 100%.  I was still having trouble breathing without coughing alto.  The nurse got eye level with me and said " Telisha, look at me, your oxygen level is at 100% so I'm just gonna walk you through breathing".  She started a breathing pattern of short shallow breathes in and out with me. OMG! That was awesome because she got me to breathe without coughing alot AND gave me a cup of water that had a straw type thingy with a tiny sponge at the end. She told me to wet my lips and my tongue but don't swallow.  That helped my cotton mouth.  I was given an once of water to make sure I could keep it down without it coming back up. I could. Later I was given an ounce of liquid medicine and 1 ounce of apple juice (watered down of course).   The only pain I felt was on the left side of my belly where the port was and I had sharp pains throughout my belly.  I was told it was air.  I drifted in and out throughout the day. Once my pain was under control I was able to walk and use the restroom. I had NO idea I was holding so much fluid! LOL!

I am now to take in 4 OZ of fluids every 1 HR which is going very well!  I keep an ice pack on the incision where the port is. Feels awesome.  I am definitely staying on top of my pain meds.  My tummy seemed to have gone down some thanks to unexpected burbs here and there..LOL!  Overall my experience went great...Way better than I thought it was gonna be!!!  I have a one week follow up scheduled and then in 4 weeks I'll have my first fill.

I am thrilled the surgery is finally done and I can move forward.  BTW, I thought I'd feel my band or port and I cannot feel either which is cool.

Thank you everyone for the messages and support. I really, really appreciate it.  Also I have a couple of pics posted from today.

See ya later,
Follow me @ www.Trim4Life.blogspot.com
Beginning weight before 10 days of liquids: 313. LBS 1/14/11 ** Pre-surgery weight: 298 1/24/11 
Confirmed Pregnancy- 3-14-11 ** Birth of Baby girl 11-1-11
*Never expect perfection from an imperfect person.
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/11 9:24 pm - Hatboro, PA
Congrats on having your surgery.  Good luck on your weight loss journey!   I wish you a speedy recovery.

Have a great day,
L B.
on 1/24/11 9:32 pm, edited 1/24/11 9:33 pm
Good luck on your success  and I hoipe your feeling well!!
I am loosing 1-2 pounds a day so far and its been 5 days now ! Its crazy! ... Plus Im being a little constipated so Im thinking to myself .. Is this real ??  Thank God almighty it is! I cant wait to fit into the clothes that I already grew out of!
Tom C.
on 1/25/11 2:48 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Hey Loser  Welcome to this side of the fence!! Thanks for detailing your experience. I know if helped many today !!

Make sure you keep us up-to-date on your journey, and know we're here for you !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Kim H.
on 1/29/11 12:21 am - Duluth, MN
Thanks Telisha, I appreciate your "diary" of the surgery day. I will be having my banding surgery sometime in February. Next on the list, still waiting for a date. Am getting anxious, I want this so badly, but I also want it to be over with so I can go on with the rest of my life and get healthy.  Reading your post comforted me a lot!! I am so grateful to you, you will never know how much!! Thank you , thank you , thank you! God bless you and Good Luck on your journey!



T. Christian
on 1/29/11 2:46 am
No problem at all.  That's what we are all here for. To help each other. Good luck on your journey as well!
Follow me @ www.Trim4Life.blogspot.com
Beginning weight before 10 days of liquids: 313. LBS 1/14/11 ** Pre-surgery weight: 298 1/24/11 
Confirmed Pregnancy- 3-14-11 ** Birth of Baby girl 11-1-11
*Never expect perfection from an imperfect person.
Kim H.
on 1/29/11 7:04 am - Duluth, MN
I will keep you posted, thanks!


on 2/22/11 11:25 am - IL
Thank you so much for this post. I have my surgery March 4th and it's great to read this. It really helps, you have no idea. I just signed up and i am ready to read all about everything, ups and downs but i know i can count on the fourm to help me. Thanks again. I look forward to reading more.
Tom C.
on 2/22/11 6:43 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Can't wait to see you on the Loser's Bench in our Winner's Circle!!

Let us know how it turns out!!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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